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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. How did you confirm this? Those methods should all work save for the EntityPlayer#playSound which doesnt work on the logical server you need to use another method. See here for more info.
  2. @J0WAY That doesn't help at all... it doesnt show me the files I need to see.
  3. Which part of the code? All of it(the method never gets called)? Past a certain if statement?
  4. Send a screenshot of your package explorer.
  5. Blocks need three Json files. The blockstate, block model, and item model(assuming it has an item the player can have in their inventory).
  6. The server loads the folder data/modid/... as of 1.13. And since your blueprint isnt an asset its data it should be there anyways.
  7. I believe this has been a problem for a long time. It happens whenever the ItemStack changes. I'm thinking you might be able to use Item#shouldCauseRequipAnimation?
  8. It should be called twice. Post your updated code. You have to do it on the logical server.
  9. You should also get a json editor plugin for your IDE so this doesnt happen again.
  10. Why not use the ServerStartingEvent or ServerStartedEvent. They aren't part of the MOD event bus, but instead the FORGE event bus. They give you access to the MinecraftServer instance which both have a resource manager instance.
  11. Try to do it only when World#isRemote is false.
  12. If I remember correctly they are on both sides. How does your torch block emit light?
  13. Until Mojang or another person/group come out with a Modding API for it yes. Except there are addons for it but it doesn't add new content it just allows for it to be modified.
  14. A command line argument is something you but in the .bat file or .sh file when you start the server. Or for the launcher you edit the profile and you will see JVM ARGUMENTS. Put it there.
  15. That's bedrock edition. I'm sorry forge is for Java edition. I don't believe there is a modding system out for bedrock(PC). But I could stand to be corrected.
  16. This is the launcher in question have you run the version of Minecraft you are trying to install forge for. If not you need to. Its a simple verification that you own the game, and it also allows forge to legally apply it's changes to the game.
  17. The file you want to download from files.minecraftforge.net is the installer.
  18. Try stepping through your code in a debugger. Also why not just send the message in the LivingDeathEvent...?
  19. Have you tried using shaders? It sounds like they do what you want with some beautification as well. Maybe you'll have to write your own shader? Simply changing the range the torch lights up isn't a simple task. It already has the max range it can have. The only option you have would be to put "air" blocks that have a light value around the torch when they need to be there. Which is harder than it might sound. OR you can rewrite the whole lighting engine which would be horrid and likely impossible even with Reflection.
  20. How/where are you changing the value of diamondSacrificeMessage?
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