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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You don't need this at all. Yes, but now you need to give it a value by initializing it.
  2. Shift clicking has a different method entirely. Container#transferStackInSlot.
  3. This is a method. Not a field. Create a field, an instance, a variable. Then use its constructor to initialize it.
  4. Obsidian_shard_block.json does not equal obsidian_shard_block.json
  5. You don't. I never said anything like that. When I said this I was talking about RecipeManager#getRecipe(the method you are having a problem with).
  6. You need to do the first part I said. You need to have a RecipeWrapper field in your TileEntity to use in getRecipe because it requires an IInventory.
  7. Look for the class called IRenderFactory then look at where it is used and you'll find RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler or something close to that.
  8. Post all of your current code. Preferably as a github repo. But on here works too.
  9. No no no no no. Why are you changing that mods code? Do you have permission to do that?
  10. Take a look at the class and you'll find out. I didnt mean change the whole thing just the thing that was bolded...
  11. EntityPlayerMP#sendContainerToPlayer after every click you change the default behavior of.
  12. Show a screenshot of your package explorer.
  13. This is a terrible modid. You have 64 characters use them. The reason it is terrible is what if another mod maker uses the same modid because they abbreviated some other words. Your mods are now incompatible. Does this file exist at assets/modid/blockstates/obsidian_shard_block.json in your IDE? Did you refresh your IDE's package explorer?
  14. Well I cant think of any reason why you wouldn't register it, it's also needed in the Container class so I'm not sure that's entirely accurate. That all looks good. Though unless you are sending specific data to the client like a TileEntity's BlockPos(which you are not) you dont need to worry about the PacketBuffer Parameter. You can also have one constructor and deserialize the data in the lambda.
  15. Well obviously it isn't. They can't be fine and produce these errors... Why haven't you posted your model, blockstate, and console? It's impossible to debug your problem without them....
  16. What version are you using? Is it limited to only your block placed or is the item like that too? What do your blockstate and model jsons look like? Is your console spitting out an error(s)?
  17. Extend ContainerScreen instead. This will solve the E button problem. PlayerEntity#openContainer assuming your container is the one open on the client side. Show what you are doing now. They don't. The only reason to have a PacketBuffer parameter in your constructor is to pass extra data over from the server. I dont think yours needs that. I'm not at my IDE at the moment so I cant give you definitive answers with code, but I think I can point you in the proper direction, where to look, ect.
  18. Your method is also static it needs to not be.
  19. No it does not create an instance. It provides the mod developer with the instance of there @Mod class. This won't work for reasons I've stated above you might as well make it a final field and do new ClassName()
  20. I dont believe so. I believe there is a method to provide you with an ID that hasn't been used in 1.12 and in 1.14 I dont think it uses integer ids for anything other than saving to disk.
  21. Yes 100% more. It provides an instance of the @Mod class it refers to.
  22. The better question is why is your dimension ID configurable?
  23. What type of crash? Could it be that you never assign a value to FogEventHandler.instance?
  24. There are several ways here is the documentation on events.
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