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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You need to remove the Item from the player's inventory.
  2. Yes I understand that. The problem is that it isn't removed from the player's inventory right? The problem is This ItemStack does not equal the ItemStack in the inventory. SO  This does nothing. You should use one of the removal methods in the players inventory.
  3. If I understand correctly your problem is that the Item isn't removed from your inventory. This ItemStack does not equal the ItemStack in the inventory. SO This does nothing. You should use one of the removal methods.
  4. I'd do it like so. ITickData data = player.getCapability(CAPABILITY_THING).orElseThrow(IllegalStateException::new);
  5. Commands are executed on the server you need to send a packet back to the player and open the packet on the Client. Right now you are reaching across logical sides.
  6. This isn't correct. You need to register this which means that it must not be statically initialized and initialized in the Register<Feature> event you have.
  7. That's what I've been saying you need your own BiomeProviderSettings and potentially BiomeProvider.
  8. This is not a Java support forum we deal with Forge problems exclusively here.
  9. You don't just override hasTileEntity(BlockState) and createTileEntity(BlockState, IWorldReader) You need a TileEntityRendererFast
  10. I don't see a crash report if the error is coming from Eclipse or IntelliJ that is you not knowing Java. And typically it tells you straight up what the problem is.
  11. First off this link is broken it links just to hastebin, No code. Does this class exist?
  12. Ummm no. You could wait to see when they update. You would need to look for it. You could type WorldType and ctrl+left click it.
  13. You can take a look at any mod that is open source that adds their own WorldType I think Biomes O'plenty does this? If not take a look at the vanilla one for the Overworld.
  14. getCapability(Capability) returns a LazyOptional instance. That instance is the one in your ICapabilityProvider class. Now the LazyOptional has several methods to retrieve the value stored inside of it. Which will your ITickData. You can make whatever values you want accessible via your ITickData.
  15. Can you try it with just Apotheosis and Placebo, then with those and Lycanite's Mobs so we can rule out the other two causing problems. It might be a problem with apotheosis doing some ASM trickery incorrectly with the new version of forge. Check if they have an updated version for the newer forge versions.
  16. If you use the Native launcher you can select the Java version you use by editing the profile you use to launch the game.
  17. Let's take a look at what type that parameter is. It's Capability. Ok I'm not sure what value I should use here. Lets look for places where getCapability are called within forge. Ok opening the Call Hierarchy by right clicking on getCapability and clicking Open Call Hierarchy reveals Forge calls that method in several places. Lets look at one in net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidUtil. It seems to use the CapabilityFluidHandler.FLUID_HANDLER_ITEM_CAPABILITY as the parameter. Lets take a look at that field. Oh it's a field annotated with @CapabilityInject annotation. I remember making one of those.... Let's use that value.
  18. You'll have to check every tick if they are swimming and if they are make it so they aren't. Use the LivingSetAttackTargetEvent I believe there is a RenderHandEvent that you can cancel and render your own hand. You'll have to do this yourself.
  19. Well of course it doesnt work you're still trying to get the value from the ItemStack. You need to get it from the capability you attached to the player.
  20. No it is not possible just build the mod and run it.
  21. Weird I even used the search feature on github. Must've spelt it wrong. The bolded statement will never be true. You need to check if capIn == YOUR_CAPABILITY_VALUE. You need a @CapabilityInject(ISomething.class) public static final Capability<ISomething> YOUR_CAPABILITY_VALUE = null;
  22. I dont see you using the AttachCapabilityEvent<World> anywhere in your code.
  23. You've got something wrong with your instance field.
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