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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. No this is not possible in vanilla minecraft. You would need to make a mod to make this possible, or you can make it look animated with a texture.
  2. I really hope you aren't changing the registry names for those items... You have to create the Item and Block instances in the registry event. And only in the registry event. You need to save the information and store them in the World therefore you need to use a Capability Then you'll have to pass that data onto the items.
  3. You need to specify the bus parameter in your annotation. Specifically Bus.MOD
  4. Does your blockstate.json file have the facing property in it?
  5. Post your console output. There is probably an error somewhere.
  6. No you still use that. It is an event. Its just you can remove "extends Gui" and replace "drawTexturedModelRect" with "Gui. drawModalRectWithCustomSizedTexture" or "Gui. drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect"
  7. Use Gui,drawModalRectWithCustomSizedTexture or Gui.drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect
  8. None whats so ever for simple crafting table recipes, or any of the furnace recipes. Show a screenshot of your package explorer in your IDE.
  9. If you want to use drawTexturedModelRect the way you are then yes it does.
  10. 1.13 and up moved this to data/modid/recipes.
  11. You cant render anything in that event. You need to use the RenderGameOverlayEvent.
  12. You can watch mine link in my signature there aren't that many of them. It only goes up to basic Item creation right now.
  13. No there are no good tutorials. Eclipse is great.
  14. Probably because you are saving your ITickDats to the disk and using PlayerEntity#ticksExisted. Which is set to 0 when the player loads, but your ITickData is still what it was before you closed the game last.
  15. I dont believe so. Open the Type Hierarchy for the Event class.
  16. This isn't a NullPointerException. The capability is never attached to the player. The AttachCapabilityEvent is not fired on the MOD event bus its fired on the FORGE event bus.
  17. I can only assume you'll figure it out on your own since you haven't posted the crash.
  18. This is pretty simple. Don't implement IInventory on your TileEntity. Instead store an instance of IItemHandler in your TileEntity. You can initialize it using ItemStackHandler. The next step is to override getCapability and hasCapability. In your case hasCapability can just compare the Capability parameter against CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY(just using ==). And in a case where it isn't that one return the super. Then in getCapability do the same thing except you need to return your IItemHandler instance. I believe what you had to do here was use Capability#cast(value). The worst thing I've seen a tutorial do wrong for something like this was have the Block class implement ITileEntityProvider. I haven't seen anything wrong with the way they set up the Gui and Container. This part is just the logic behind what you want to do. Simply figure out the conditions for when you want it to consume fuel. And when those conditions are true consume fuel. The same can be said for the processing part. Figure out when you want the furnace to process, then once it is done consume the ingredients and give the output.
  19. AttachCapabilityEvent doesn't fire on the Mod Event Bus. It fires on the Forge Event Bus.
  20. Minecraft.getInstance().getTextureManager().bindTexture(...) Will bind a texture to be used.
  21. This only heals the Entity if the entities health is greater than 0. Use setHealth
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