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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. He means your indentation is a mix of pressing tab and using spaces. Pick one and love it like a wife or husband. How are you registering it?
  2. So the way containers are opened are as follows. Server opens container on the server side. Server sends packet to client requesting container/gui to open. Client opens container/gui. Somewhere along the lines it syncs the container contents. You'll have to find the vanilla methods that open a chest on the server and then sync up the client. From there implement your own Container, but keep in mind you'll have to sync the container everytime the player tries to remove something that they can't remove. Otherwise ghost items.
  3. First off you shouldn't use getCapability yourself. You should just be able to access the field in your TileEntity. Secondly the value getCapability returns is not applicable for this parameter. Use RecipeWrapper. Might as well change this to RecipeWrapper as well.
  4. Yes, but if you make every package lowercase you wont run into those problems because you know it needs to be all lowercase.
  5. Show a screenshot of your package explorer in your IDE. Specifically where your ClientProxy class is.
  6. I believe that even if you are making an item. If your model is an obj file you need a blockstate json.
  7. The model is probably not in the same format as minecraft expects. You can export it as a .obj file. Forge has a way to load obj models I dont know much about it. But here is some documentation.
  8. Look in your build.gradle file. You'll notice that it still says examplemod in some spots.
  9. You don't you put it in your Packets instance fields in that method. Then in the handle method you use those instance fields in the packet to update your TileEntity fields.
  10. That's not how packets work... you only need one packet. The server is the only one sending data the client just needs to react to that data accordingly. So your main problem is you don't do anything in the toBytes and fromBytes method. You need to actually write that data you want to send into bytes using the parameter you are given. And then read those bytes back into the data and store it in your instance fields.
  11. Your mods.toml file is invalid. I think that specific error means you're missing a mandatory entry. If not it means it is malformed.
  12. Does this class exist in those specific packages? remember capitals matter. Also it's convention for all package names to be lower case.
  13. For 1.14 I've always ran ./gradlew eclipse then ./gradlew genEclipseRuns.
  14. That's not what you are supposed to do that will still crash the dedicated server.
  15. Minecraft's code is obfuscated during compilation. What this means is that it randomizes it's method names, class names, and field names. All parameters in methods are also renamed, not very randomly however.
  16. There are several ways, I linked you to documentation on the preferred way.
  17. There is a lot that needs to be done. First off remove IHasModel, BlockBase and ItemBase. All Items have models, and there is already a base Item and Block class. They are called Item and Block. Don't use inheritance for code-reuse. It's an anti-pattern. The main problem comes from you calling RenderHandler.someMethodHere in common code. If you are gonna call Client code from a common code class/method you need to use the @SidedProxy system. Route the code through them.
  18. Any and all rendering code must be done on the client only.
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