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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Post your code that you tried.
  2. First off dont post code that isnt yours here or anywhere without permission from the writers. Second when you render your image you specify where on your image you want to start at (x, y) then you specify where on the screen (x, y) then you give the width and height to the method. So if you want the image to have a scrolling appearance change where on the image you want to start.
  3. Here's a suggestion that I've come up with remove diamond tools from having damage. In your PreInit event in your @Mod class do Items.DIAMOND_SOMETHING.setMaxDamage(0)
  4. What do you mean here? And let's approach this problem in a different way what are you trying to do exactly?
  5. You've probably gotta use the CommonSetupEvent for this the server needs to know as well. As long as you don't register the boss to spawn naturally then spawning it only when the player enters the structure should work no problems. It's just the Slime spawning mechanics(certain heights etc) are controlled by a custom function registered to a Map that is private in EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry.class. At least I couldn't find a way to register your own placement type for an entity.
  6. A speed of 1.0 is way too high. It means 1 block per tick. To put that into retrospect the Zombie only has a base speed of ~.23. It also seems that canSpawn is called to late in the spawning process and will only deny spawning if the entity is far away from the player. In forge version 1.14.4-28.0.21 if seems impossible to do custom spawning mechanics besides using the LivingSpawnEvent.CheckSpawn event to deny the spawning.
  7. Right. Does this log statement run? This is probably your problem. Your asking if a new instance of ItemStack is in the drops list. That doesn't work.
  8. You need to provide the bus in the annotation. It needs to be Bus.FORGE I believe.
  9. Instead subscribe to the UseHoeEvent and till the ground when it is your block.
  10. You'd have to subscribe to the LivingUpdateEvent and check all blocks beneath the entity. Use the suggestion below me it's more efficient.
  11. RenderGlobal#renderSky
  12. Yes use Features to generate things 1 chunk or smaller. Use structures for things bigger than 1 chunk. And use Carvers for stuff like caves.
  13. A proxy is a place to put code when it only happens on one of the Sides Client or Server. A CommonProxy is stupid because your main mod class is common, almost every class file you have is a place common code resides. Therefore it makes no sense to have a CommonProxy. You use your proxy classes to run code meant for one side in a common area. So your parent file for both of them can and should be an interface.
  14. No. It was kinda the inappropriate term I should have said variable. A field is a variable of an object. Declaring is this. int a; Setting one is using the = sign to assign a value.
  15. Not knowing what this means only tells me that you have absolutely no idea what you are doing. You have no idea how to use a programming language. You dont know Java. Please go learn these things before learning how to make a Minecraft mod.
  16. You never set the player field and a lot of other fields. Where are you calling this code? Post your whole workspace as a github repo.
  17. Post the json and you have to put it in data.minecraft.loot_tables and it needs to be called coal_ore.json
  18. Make a new thread dont necro.
  19. ("minecraft:coal_ore") or ("minecraft", "coal_ore")
  20. You should also probably write into the packet buffer the boolean about the nose here. And then of course retrieve it where in decode. Then here get the entity from the ID and then change the nose value. This is the wrong event. Use the PlayerEvent.StartTracking
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