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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. What property does your block have? Post code preferably on github.
  2. Because that is the value Mojang decided to set for the emerald block. I'm not quite sure what you are asking.
  3. You should learn how to code and learn Java before you make a mod. This is not a Java forum this is a Forge forum.
  4. The emerald block has a resistance of 6.
  5. Ok now after downloading mdk and Java did you run gradlew eclipse and gradlew genEclipseRuns?
  6. Coremod is the only way to do this. Unless forge decides to add an event that allows modders to decide if the player is moving correctly.
  7. What Java version do you have installed?
  8. I think there is a communication barrier here. I want to know how you setup the workspace. I didn't want to see it, I don't want you to set it up again. I just want to know what you did after downloading the mdk.
  9. I didn't ask to see your workspace...I asked how you set it up. If you were to direct me or someone else how to setup your forge workspace what are the instructions you would give?
  10. Try changing the Minecraft#renderViewEntity field
  11. You can't do this with the forge blockstate format sadly. You need to use the vanilla one.
  12. All of it. Start from the beginning.
  13. How did you setup your workspace?
  14. Ummm are you trying to access a variant from inside another variant?
  15. Ok, but we need all of the text that comes with that error.
  16. The grindstone is the new block that removes enchantments in return gives experience. Which is not read from json. It also does repairs I think.
  17. We can't help without the full log. Run it again and get the full log.
  18. It could also be the fact that these are not less than 0. 1 means a whole block(I think.). It's really been a while since I took a look at this system.
  19. Post your code. Preferably in a github repo.
  20. I see that you don't have a parameter section in your armature file without it the system doesn't know where in the animation it is and assumes 0. Not sure if you've seen this documentation.
  21. Did you copy all of the positioning code?
  22. This is true so best bet is to stay away from overrides and use events.
  23. Why not just use a constant? They can't change anymore. Now you have to override their registry.
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