There is a single one unfortunately but it only happens when the health is less than or equal to 4(2 hearts). Which I assume you won't influence you too much and they also apply a seed to the random before rendering the health so it should always result in the same value.
No but it doesn't seem like their motion is random. There are no calls to You can replicate the math it all seems to be focused on the updateCounter field which is accessible
It's not finding your model file. Did you refresh your workspace after creating the file? How did you setup your workspace? Is your resources folder a source folder?
Post your latest.log file it's found under run/logs
You shouldn't use this interface. It is above all useless. All Items have Models.
Replace this line with registerItemRenderer
Have you confirmed that your render code is executing? Is the event being called? Is the event ever have the exact fields (Does the Post event ever fire with ElementType.HEALTH)?
It being able to pick up loot is never sent to the client it is all handled on the server. Then the server tells the client which Item Entities are removed. RenderWorldLastEvent is a client only event.
There isn't a class in vanilla that does it. There are methods in WorldRenderer. To have your own sky call setSkyRenderer or override getSkyRenderer in your Dimension class. This will instead be rendered in place of what vanilla does.
That's up to you. Is it's use fullness worth having a dependency that users will have to download and install?
Jabelar has a tutorial on animation entities here. Not sure how old it is, but it should be essentially the same thing.
The IBlockState is saved as an integer 0-15 on disk. It is called metadata(meta for short). The return value returns an IBlockState with the property FACING with the EnumFacing value determined by the meta interpreted as the horizontal index.
This points to assets/eib/stupid_tnt
You probably want it to point to assets/eib/textures/blocks/stupid_tnt.png
Am I right?
If so new ResourceLocation("modid:textures/blocks/stupid_tnt.png")