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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. What do you mean? From the code you've shown I do you mean it's always 0? Because of course it would be you never set it to anything else.
  2. It has a BlockState parameter
  3. Try overriding the BlockState sensitive version
  4. Crashes doesnt post crash. What value is null? Is it the te or is it the tile data?
  5. This only happens when there is a block state change. Or you tell it to update. It isnt automatic.
  6. No you need to send a packet from the server to the client to sync the data.
  7. I am not talking about IHasModel. In the Item class there is a method called getArmorTexture if you dont know how to override it look it up on google.
  8. Well yeah because you need to override the one in the Item class. Check the method signature. The one in the Item class has parameters.
  9. I was talking about the TileEntity being desynced not the ItemStack.
  10. Not sure what you mean here is the method working now or not? If not post your code.
  11. You dont what? And I'm sorry; running on no sleep. Forming sentences is hard. I meant to say how did you check that it isnt copying the fluid data. Did you check to make sure it isnt a client server desync.
  12. How are you checking that is it possible that its just a client server desync?
  13. Yes that is where it would go.
  14. Ok first don't implement ITileEntityProvider it is legacy code. Override hasTileEntity(BlockState) and createTileEntity(World BlockState) Second how do you know that the fluid data isn't being transferred to the ItemStack? How did you test it?
  15. I assume you mean the armor when it's on the player. You need to override getArmorTexture and return a path to your textures.
  16. It's trying to allocate 3GB either release more RAM for gradle to use or edit your gradle.properties file so it uses less RAM. No guarantees that it will work though.
  17. Then do you have 3GBs of ram free?
  18. It's in the net.minecraft.block.Blocks class.
  19. Ok the problem is the items you are registering are not the same items you are registering models for. Read up on the ObjectHolder annotation on the forge docs.
  20. Can you update your github?
  21. Is your ModelRegistryEvent getting called?
  22. Post the log.
  23. Why are you giving the models metadata values? You should keep them at 0.
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