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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Post your latest log. It's found under .minecrat/logs/latest.log
  2. You have to register a renderer for your entity. RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler
  3. You just need to /fml confirm to agree to the missing registry entries. Or is there a crash report.
  4. It's a term for a mod that changes the way the vanilla code works(most mods don't do this). Remove mods one at a time. I understood that. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.
  5. One of your mods(coremod?) is broken make sure all of your mods are up to date.
  6. It's a way to log information to the console. But it is appended with information like which mod printed it. It's been there for a while. Not exactly. There is the update primer and the forge documentation .There are only a few events now. Common Setup, Client Setup, Server Setup, and inter mod communications. You generally only need the first one. This is true, it is all automated based on the registry name. Unpack all of your items now, no metadata. Unsure, but probably false. Last I checked not implemented into forge yet. What I've figured out after a little investigation is this. Builder builder = new Builder(); // Add stuff to config here. ModConfig config = new ModConfig(ModConfig.Type.COMMON, builder.build(), ModList.get().getModContainerById("modid").get()); Do this in the setup event for the matching type.
  7. It's now called TextFormatting. If something is not visible under the old name look in the package it was in.
  8. Yes and it can extend EntityTNTPrimed. You need to register every entity that you want to exist in the world.
  9. I'll try, but it will likely start with the basics ?
  10. ItemStack stack = ...; newStack = stack.copy();
  11. Looks like that method is from 1.9.4 so no. Use ItemStack#copy
  12. I'm not sure what is going on maybe it was a bug and has been fixed have you tried updating to the latest forge version.
  13. That looks good. Can we confirm that this set isn't empty.
  14. I've never seen that error before. You installed the server jar using the jar installer correct? And you installed Java 8?
  15. You should do it in the their registry event and on top of your fields put the @ObjectHolder annotation. You don't have the EventBusSubscriber annotation here so I assume you are registering the class in your setup method?
  16. Whenever you are interacting with ItemStacks in recipes you need to do ItemStack#copy to create a new instance otherwise you are using the same one for all of them.
  17. Post the error. And you are supposed to run the forge jar file that is generated.
  18. I didn't go anywhere really, but if you want me to be notified of your response quote me or @ me. Don't use the windows installer. Look to the right of the file names. They are jar files. You just for some reason have it set up so jar files are opened with internet explorer...Maybe you don't have Java installed on your computer.
  19. Do you get any error from the installer? What installer are you using? Show us the folders contents with a screenshot.
  20. 1.14.4 Everything is still being implemented so the latest is the best at the moment.
  21. First off don't initialize any Registry entries in a static initializer. What does this method do?
  22. But critiques are helpful. It might be more network efficient if you make your own custom packet that only sends when the specific Item slot changes. But it's not my mod.
  23. Change this to return your own ActionResult. Unsure of the crash, but perhaps a NullPointerException? Post your crash.
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