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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You must sync the items in the ItemStackHandler to the client with a custom packet. And do this only whenever the contents change.
  2. // Instead of... @ObjectHolder("modid") public class ModItems { public static final Item SOME_ITEM = null; } // Do it on every field. public class ModItems { @ObjectHolder("modid:registry_name") public static final Item SOME_ITEM = null; } It's not that hard.
  3. Is it possible that your resources folder isn't a source folder?
  4. I said apply a modifier to the attribute not change the base value. Also why are you doing it on the client do it on the server.
  5. Update to 1.12.2 1.10.2 is no longer supported on this forum.
  6. Have you set the main class to GradleStart?
  7. Could you show some screenshots of your eclipse workspace including the runs configurations.
  8. You'll have to use your own IRecipe implementation and override getRemainingItems and make sure it returns an empty list or just ignores the Water Bucket's container Item.
  9. Post all of your code. What is the icon field? Where do you initialize it?
  10. Yes. It should just be... registerColors(event){ event.getBlockColors().register(...) } You need to have a TileEntity that stores the color. Nothing else. You need to make your own implementation of IBlockColor. This implementation needs to retrieve the color from the TileEntity. Check out DyeableArmorItem/IDyeableArmorItem
  11. Yes because you shouldn't have to add that extra line of code. It should just be able to work. Aka the search should be populated after the configs are loaded.
  12. There might be a way currently, you'll have to call Minecraft.getInstance().populateSearchTreeManager() And if that doesn't work I don't know of a way. Anyways you should report this as an issue on the MinecraftForge github.
  13. What makes you think that? It is called whenever the player switches ItemGroup tabs in the inventory.
  14. Store your configuration when you create it in your setup method in a static field.
  15. If you store the blocks color in the BlockState you can get it from the BlockState you are given in the parameters. If you are storing it in a TileEntity you can get the TileEntity by doing world.getTileEntity(...) Umm if you store the value in the BlockState you can use BlockState#get(IProperty) to get the value.
  16. You have access to the block state. I'm not sure what you mean here. Please elaborate.
  17. Doesn't provide energy up? Do you mean that it doesn't transfer energy up or that it isn't connecting up?
  18. You need to check if there is a block above the player.
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