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Everything posted by Ugdhar

  1. It should be debug.log but I'll take latest.log if that's all you have
  2. As far as I know, nope. And if you are registering your biome, you should have an instance of it somewhere, if not, make one.
  3. Please post your debug.log, and if you can your project as a github repository. Simply adding that walls.json would not cause all that stuff to happen, so there's definitely something else at play here.
  4. There is no guarantee to registration order, except Blocks are first, Items second. Add the feature to your biome in the FMLCommonSetupEvent and not in your biomes constructor. I am just guessing at this, since you only shared bits and pieces of code.
  5. What version is this for? Also, you should post your project as a github repository, it makes it much easier to see the big picture.
  6. You need to use RenderTypeLookup.setRenderLayer on your blocks in your FMLClientSetupEvent, probably with RenderType.getCutout()
  7. You need to run the build gradle task
  8. Your mods.toml is missing loaderVersion, that's what this means: I would open up the one that comes with the MDK and go over it again to make sure yours has all of the mandatory fields.
  9. How did you set your project up? It would be useful if you hosted your project on github, then you could share the link here, and people would be able to see the big picture, and probably help you better. I see this: and this I guess if it were me, I would double check that my mods.toml was correct, and make sure my main mod class was correct. If you don't make a github, I'd say at the very least post the contents of those 2 things.
  10. Please post new logs, and post the debug.log, not the crashlog.
  11. Please post a log from your troubles with 1.15.2, since the other versions you mentioned are no longer supported. Also if you're getting to the early loading screen, it would appear you've made it past using the installer, so this would be a different issue. I myself have had no issues running any of the jar installers, and most of the issues I see regarding them are people with hijacked jar file associations, or missing/wrong version of Java.
  12. It looks like you have an invalid configuration somewhere. You can either try to fix it, or delete your config folder if you haven't made any changes to it. Or rename it if you don't like deleting things. It should be recreated on next launch.
  13. Please post the debug.log from the logs folder in your game folder. This should give enough information to start figuring out what is going wrong.
  14. https://wiki.mcjty.eu/modding/index.php?title=Tut14_Ep10
  15. It looks like you may have a broken config file. If you haven't modified them, you can try deleting the config folder and they should rebuild on the next run. If deleting makes you nervous, rename it to config.old or something in case you need it.
  16. Make sure you launched vanilla minecraft for the version of forge you're downloading at least once, just in case you haven't. I would say post the new installer log from using the new java if it's still not working then.
  17. What IDE are you using? With Eclipse it is listed under Referenced Libraries, it's the forge jar that's not the launcher. (first one in my list) Not sure with IntelliJ or other IDEs.
  18. https://gist.github.com/williewillus/353c872bcf1a6ace9921189f6100d09a Links to https://gist.github.com/Barteks2x/41122efc766afdd47aeb457a3c19b275 (worldgen stuff)
  19. You should not be creating your blocks and items with static initializers. You should user DeferredRegister. The class is documented in the sources and here: https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/registries/ As a side note, you should create a github repository for your project, then share the link here when you need help. It makes it easier for people to help you when they can see all your code, it gives the big picture.
  20. Look at one of the vanilla biomes, they use the surface builder in the call to the super constructor. I found it by looking in the SurfaceBuilder class at the vanilla ones (MOUNTAIN, SWAMP, etc), then in my IDE I used "Open call heirarchy" on a couple of those, and it showed me where they were used. Hope this helps ya in the future
  21. Please post the debug.log from the run\logs folder in your project. It should have much more information than the console log.
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