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Everything posted by Ugdhar

  1. https://gist.github.com/williewillus/353c872bcf1a6ace9921189f6100d09a Links to https://gist.github.com/Barteks2x/41122efc766afdd47aeb457a3c19b275 (worldgen stuff)
  2. You should not be creating your blocks and items with static initializers. You should user DeferredRegister. The class is documented in the sources and here: https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/registries/ As a side note, you should create a github repository for your project, then share the link here when you need help. It makes it easier for people to help you when they can see all your code, it gives the big picture.
  3. Look at one of the vanilla biomes, they use the surface builder in the call to the super constructor. I found it by looking in the SurfaceBuilder class at the vanilla ones (MOUNTAIN, SWAMP, etc), then in my IDE I used "Open call heirarchy" on a couple of those, and it showed me where they were used. Hope this helps ya in the future
  4. Please post the debug.log from the run\logs folder in your project. It should have much more information than the console log.
  5. 1.12 is no longer supported due to age. Please update to a modern (1.14.4/1.15.2) version to receive support. More information on supported versions can be found in the LTS link at the top of every page.
  6. Now you need to find the folder the forge installer is in, and go to it with the command prompt/powershell. To do this: open the folder, then right-click while holding shift in a blank spot (not on a file or folder within that folder). From this menu there should be open command prompt(or powershell) here. You will need to specify the full path to your installed java. So if you extracted the openjdk zip into C:\Users\Bob and did not change any of the folder names, you would need to type in C:\Users\Bob\jdk8u252-b09-jre\bin\java.exe -jar forge_installer-press-tab-to-complete (after typing forge, hitting tab should complete the filename for you, you can use tab completion when typing in the path to java as well.) That should theoretically get you going.
  7. It should be in the logs folder of your minecraft game folder, which in Windows is %APPDATA%\.minecraft
  8. If you downloaded the .ZIP file as advised, you can extract it anywhere you wish, windows should be able to do it without extra software. You should be able to extract it into your user directory, usually C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME even without admin permissions.
  9. Which file? openjdk, or the forge installer?
  10. You should share your project as a github repo, so people can see what you have so far, and give you pointers on how to proceed.
  11. Please do not post logs and code as screenshots. They are very hard to read, and do not show the big picture. Please post your log as txt preferrably on a paste site such as github, and post the link here.
  12. The search function of the forums is awesome https://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/topic/81917-1152-how-to-use-potions-in-crafting-recipes/
  13. Instead of adding the spawns in your biome constructor, add them in FMLCommonSetupEvent, then everything is registered. Not 100% sure on the current method of adding spawn eggs though
  14. Where did you download your mods from? Some of the filenames suggest you got mods from 9 minecraft, or some other crappy repost site, that hosts mods illegally, and often have outdated and even tampered with mods. You should only download forge from https://files.minecraftforge.net and only download mods from curseforge. I would delete any mods you downloaded from anywhere else, and redownload them from curseforge, and try again. If it crashes again, post the new log (debug.log has more information) See https://stopmodreposts.org/index.html for more information on which sites to avoid.
  15. Try deleting the config folder, looks like something in there is invalid, and if you haven't customized anything you can just delete it and it'll remake it.
  16. You do not need to put the vanilla walls in it, making sure replace is false includes the minecraft walls. Also, did you look at your logs and see this: (*edit: I assume you got this in your log as well, since I just cloned your project and ran it, and this was present in the log afterwards)
  17. Looks like your blockstate json is invalid for some reason. Maybe check out data generators: https://wiki.mcjty.eu/modding/index.php?title=Tut14_Ep7
  18. post it as a github gist, if you don't have a github, make one, it's free, and awesome.
  19. Please post your debug.log, there is likely an error in there that will give us a lead about why it's mad.
  20. Use DeferredWorkQueue.runLater(Runnable), DeferredWorkQueue is in the net.minecraftforge.fml package and is documented. There was an example of someone using it within the first page of search results. If something doesn't work, you need to post updated code (preferably just have a github repo for the project) and updated logs, and be more descriptive than "it didn't work". When all the details are present, a solution usually presents itself
  21. Search these forums with the search bar at the top for DeferredWorkQueue and you will find an example in one of the results I am sure. I haven't looked, but there might also be documentation in the source for it as well.
  22. Haha oops, I meant that instead of DeferredRegister, thanks, fixing it!
  23. You are overthinking it. You don't need to extend DefaultBiomeFeatures, just find one of the method calls in there that is adding ores, such as this from the addOres method: biomeIn.addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES, Feature.ORE.withConfiguration(new OreFeatureConfig(OreFeatureConfig.FillerBlockType.NATURAL_STONE, IRON_ORE, 9)).withPlacement(Placement.COUNT_RANGE.configure(new CountRangeConfig(20, 0, 0, 64)))); And then use a similar call to the Biome#addFeature method from your FMLCommonSetupEvent, using DeferredWorkQueue using your custom ore. *edit: also, that event you have setup will never fire, there's no method signature to indicate what event it is subscribed to
  24. Were you in creative mode when you were trying it? Just curious, since I would imagine you wouldn't take damage in creative.
  25. I've seen people using a mod called optiforge to load unsupported versions of optifine in 1.15, but honestly that seems like a total hack to me, and I wouldn't bother. Just seems like a hacky mod that lets you run an unsupported hacky mod. . .
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