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Forge Code God
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Everything posted by LexManos

  1. Yes, post something useful that might tell us what is happening instead of something vague and useless.
  2. Do other people care about your data? If its just data that you hold on to and deal with and others dont know what to do with it then use 1 cap. If implemented correctly, 1 cap is massivly more performant then multiple. If implemented incorrectly 1 cam is HUGELY more performant then multiple. If you're just storing data for your internal use, use one. If you are providing functionality that external modders would use. Seperate on logical functional lines to define a clear API.
  3. Use Mojang's launcher
  4. Note, the CONTENTS of resources don't need to be lowercase, just the file path.
  5. 1) 1.7.10 is not actively supported on this forums, you should update, if you can't. You can. 2) The mod pack is broken, talk to the authors, one of the mods is trying to access client side code.
  6. Where, and what client are you using? Screenshots help.
  7. How did you install Forge? Unless Mojang derped something up this should work fine as we inherit from 1.11.2
  8. Have you tried reading your error? Also you posted in the wrong section, moved it for you.
  9. 1) Wrong section 2) The answer is int eh EAQs 3) Pirating Minecraft.... really...
  10. The new forums are being worked on, the themes will get cleaned up as we go. Small growing pains, but feel free to continue on this topic with things you find and we'll address them in time.
  11. If you installed using the installer, and used vanilla mojang launcher it'll work. But a few things to note: 1) 1.7.10 isn't actively supported here anymore, you should update to a modern version they are a lot better. 2) You can copy/paste that text, instead of posting screen shots, it's far more helpful as it's less of a pain for us to read. Esp if it's large amounts of text.
  12. We don't need to, Thats why we have the direct links available for those who either can't or simply don't want to support us. We still love you <3 Also to note, the actual info circle icon is a direct link as well. So yes you could say it's 'hidden' but its also there, it's a balance of user information, page layout, and yes wanting you to click the ads over the direct. We also use the generic adfocus re-directs so that if you care enough you could easily install one of the hundreds of anti-ad scripts on your favorite browser and it'd just directly remove the URL prefix. Sadly, I have server costs, rent, and need to eat. Donations amount to about $20/yr. We have tried to make things as easy and convenient for you guys as possible in this regard. So sorry, but it's a necessary evil.
  13. It's the other way around we would need to know what you're planning to tell you the benifits. However simple answer is Forge registries do all the hard work of saving/loading/syncing/substitutes/aliases/networking for you. So if you use any of those features it's probably best to use ours. But if you're working internally and don't need numerical ids for networking or dynamic substitutions then a normal map would work.
  14. you've yet to explain what is hard or how it could possibly be made easier. The entire point of this system is that it is literally the easiest it can be. Any easier would involve us writing your mod for you. The thread shows a lack of effort and just complaining on your end and that's not welcome here. Either provide ideas for solutions or shush.
  15. OR you could use anything past 1.5~ and let forge take care of it all automatically for you.
  16. Because it is a self-contained easy to use system that runs on the JVM which is the language/platform required for developing Forge mods so it does not add any extra dependencies and allows for standardized development with many projects. It's an industry standard outside of Minecraft for many reasons. Short answer: Yes, but it is so complicated and annoying that it is not worth the effort, and beyond that most methods are illegal and would piss off Microsoft's lawyers which everyone would agree is a bad idea. Running literally ONE command is a 'pain'? Seriously how do you expect us to make it easier? Write the mod for you when you look at your screen? Actually it works on all computers that are capable of running the J8 JVM. Which, considering my toaster can do it I think makes this point invalid. This is actually a valid complaint but this is not a fault of Forge or Gradle. This wouldn't be solved by moving to a different system. This is a issue with your network setups. It integrates rather well with all popular IDEs, the main problem is that the tasks needed to setup a Forge project are NOWHERE near standard java practices due to legal issues. So you're just going to have to deal with some lack of IDE integration here. However that being said, again all popular IDEs are are supported by gradle, and by ForgeGradle. Run the proper command and it will create a eclipse project for you that has all the proper libraries, run configs, debug flags, and is useable by a simple 'File -> Import -> Import Existing Project' Again, this is not done for legal reasons, blame Mojang. However gradle can do all of this for you with 1 command 'gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse' In conclusion your points are invalid and you're just bitching, stop.
  17. Because we don't know they will 403 and we don't want to speciacase Mojang a servers for no real reason
  18. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/45097fed0c054407dedcf4cb9bab0e54b977d7e7
  19. This has nothing to do with your server or anything like that. The log shows you installed the client. Hence why optional files weren't downloaded, the Mojang launcher downloads those files. As for the 403s that's intentional because we try the compressed form of the library first which the Mojang servers don't have. Just tested on windows, works just fine as it's my main dev env.
  20. Looks like a successful install to me, what 'issue' are you having? Just run the client using the normal launcher and it'll download the files it skipped. This is why it skipped those files.
  21. Again why are you making you life harder? Just install forge and put liteloader in the mods folder. Not the other way around
  22. Blame vapors I'll have him look at his upload script when he can. He just recently added the forge mirror as he was having issues with his server. So it may take some time to iron out the kinks
  23. Your computer needs to be connected to the internet, or disable the optional mod Mercurius.
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