If you're looking to mod with Forge you'd better get used to reading source code and looking at how Vanilla, Forge, and other Mods do things, documentation is notoriously sparse and is outdated almost as fast as it gets written.
Ok... at this point remove every version of Java you have and check program files for any versions of Java that might not have uninstalled correctly, see anything?
The filenames of one or more of your mods suggests you got them from a repost site.
Please read up on the StopModReposts project for info on why this is a bad thing.
Also, I would suggest removing Optifine.
Oh right you were double clicking the thing, not using java -jar... so this will be the full command to run in cmd in the same folder as the installer:
java -jar <Forge Installer Name> 1> forge_installer.log 2>&1
I have 8u252 from that site and it writes the log just fine for me.
If there's seriously no log then append this to the command:
1> forge_installer.log 2>&1
Please don't hijack other people's threads, or necro old ones. I've split your response into its own thread.
It's looking like your Java installation is corrupted, uninstall and reinstall it.
I recommend getting java from https://adoptopenjdk.net
For full compatibility you should get the latest version of Java 8 HotSpot
It will have the same name as the installer but with .log on the end:
Installer: forge-{version}-installer.jar
Log: forge-{version}-installer.jar.log
Note: If you have Windows Explorer set to hide file extensions(as is the default setting), they will look like this:
Installer: forge-{version}-installer
Log: forge-{version}-installer.jar