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Everything posted by DragonITA

  1. Sorry, but i don‘t see the error. Ask a other people to help you, sorry but i really can‘t see what is your mistake.
  2. I really don‘t understand why. If i only see the log, i read that the error is coming from the internal Minecraft. I see that you have extended more of the Slime class, so need a bit of time to find the error.
  3. @Emily_Ravenhold, pls show us the new log, without this i can‘t say you what you did false. The log help me to know in where class you make a mistake.
  4. And a better practice is to use YourModMainClass.MODID and not every time write "enderslime"
  5. Ehm yes sorry. Do you know how to register your DeferredRegister?
  6. @Emily_Ravenhold, why you make this? private static EntityType<EnderSlimeEntity> ENDER_SLIME = EntityType.Builder.create(EnderSlimeEntity::new, EntityClassification.MONSTER).build("enderslime"); You don‘t need to use static, if you need the EntityType then you can use the RegistryObject.get() function. It should look like this: public static final DeferredRegister<EntityType<?>> ENTITIES = new DeferredRegister<>(ForgeRegistries.ENTITIES, "enderslime"); public static final RegistryObject<EntityType<EnderSlimeEntity>> ENDER_SLIME_OBJ = ENTITIES.register("enderslime", () -> EntityType.Builder.create(EnderSlimeEntity::new, EntityClassification.MONSTER).build("enderslime");); Then change ENTITIES from private to public, then you need to register your DeferredRegister.
  7. If you read the log, it say you: No renderer registered for enderslime:enderslime. Just read the logs
  8. @Emily_Ravenhold, you can see Cadiboo‘s Github as Reference if it still don‘t work.
  9. No, on client side. The name say it: Client SetupEvent. Okay, i try to help you. Insert this in your (I just copied and modified Cadiboo‘s RenderRegister): @EventBusSubscriber(modid = ExampleMod.MODID, bus = EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD, value = Dist.CLIENT) public final class ClientModEventSubscriber { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(ExampleMod.MODID + " Client Mod Event Subscriber"); /** * We need to register our renderers on the client because rendering code does not exist on the server * and trying to use it on a dedicated server will crash the game. * <p> * This method will be called by Forge when it is time for the mod to do its client-side setup * This method will always be called after the Registry events. * This means that all Blocks, Items, TileEntityTypes, etc. will all have been registered already */ @SubscribeEvent public static void onFMLClientSetupEvent(final FMLClientSetupEvent event) { // Register Entity Renderers RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(YourDeferredEntityType.get(), EnderSlimeRenderer::new); LOGGER.debug("Registered Entity Renderers"); } } It‘s don‘t was to hard, i linked you the Link to Cadiboo‘s Github and you just have to see and modify. Then you never created a EntityType for your EnderSlimeEntity, without this you can‘t register the Rendering and you can‘t make many things. Just see cadiboo‘s Github and you can see how you can make your EntityType (its in the intit package). Now you have all the elements you need (i said that you need to show us the full log, else we can‘t help you). It‘s my last help, now you can continue alone.
  10. A better documentation is on Github, hope it help you. If you don‘t know with what you can start: Start with making your Main class. You can see the Examplemod main class if you don‘t understand and then you can start with making your first item. Hope it help you. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation
  11. Try DeferredRegister, if this don‘t work then re-ask here.
  12. @Emily_Ravenhold, i only want to say that you never created a Main class (every mod has a main class and when a person want to create a mod, normally it start with his main class. Without a Main class you can‘t use many features, like the DeferredRegister). Then show the new log, and full, not just a part of it, else we can‘t help you.
  13. You can ask the autor of Tabula for example: he has changed the Main Minecraft GUI and adding a T. Try to ask him and when it still don‘t work then ask here (Don‘t know if you really can re-ask here but anyway).
  14. @Emily_Ravenhold, entity renders should be registered on the Client side, and not on both: https://github.com/Cadiboo/Example-Mod/blob/1.15.2/src/main/java/io/github/cadiboo/examplemod/client/ClientModEventSubscriber.java Make a new class and copy the code above. Try to learn how to register your things (value = Dist.Client is the same as @Dist.CLIENT)
  15. First: No, it work on all IDE, if you are modding for 1.12.2 is still should work. Second: Read the blue Gui above your Topic title. It say: 1.12.2 is no longer supported. Update to a new Version of Minecraft for receive support. Simply google and you should have your solution.
  16. @outflows Just write IngameGui, then press F3 if you are using eclipse. It should be the same for IntelliJ
  17. Just see the Slime model code and compare the Generic „parameters“.
  18. Sorry if the other modeling Program don‘t have helped you, but try you self or wait, that a other and more experienced modder will help you. I repeat it:
  19. See the Vanilla Slime code and then try to comprehend how it was used. I never used Transparent Textures before, so i don‘t know how to help you further.
  20. @DaemonUmbra I myself use Tabula to close my entities, because Tabula was recommended to me and I must admit that it is better than Blockbench. I used Blockbench before, but then I had to change much more than in Tabula. I'm not saying it to do marketing or anything like that, but because I hope that if it works for me, it will work for other people. I made a lot of mistakes, I have to admit that, but I try to learn from them and then help people. If one of the possibilities is to go back one version to get the solution (and then back to the normal version of course), then you don't (usually) lose anything if you just try. Then I say this because Tabula surely works completely different than Blockbench, so it could also be that it calculates the thing with transparency and then does it automatically. I haven't tested it yet (but I wanted to do that as soon as I solved a previous problem). So if it helps, then yes. So, there's nothing illegal or forbidden in it if you use an older version and download a newer one afterwards, or am I wrong?
  21. Sorry for annoying you, but just want to say that it work (forgot to reply, don‘t know why it don‘t have send the message)
  22. I have tried to make normal animations and it work, but i don‘t know how to make a occasionally animations.
  23. Never read so a strange log. Paste pls the full log.
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