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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. I have the same problem here. I'm using forge
  2. The only time NBT is executed is on loading and exiting from the world, so it's not resource heavy.
  3. Try something like the fence does.
  4. Do you mean like how XyCraft does it with it's blocks? The way he does it is really complicated and difficult.
  5. And this forum thread is for modders, not for people who uses mods
  6. you do: [.code]YOUR TEXT[/.code] (remove the dots)
  7. Maybe you could use ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler?
  8. Don't use EnumToolMaterial.BEDRITE, instead use just BEDRITE. Did you edit the EnumToolMaterial class? If so, DON'T!!!
  9. First you have to make a torch that emits normal light. Than you have to make the blocks without collision and bounding box, i don't know how to do that, maybe someone else does. Than you add the onBlockPlacedBy method to your torch class. In the onBlockPlacedBy method, you need to add some if statements to place the block, but not replace blocks that aren't air. Than add the breakBlock method to your torch class, and do the opposite of the onBlockPlacedBy method, to replace your colored blocks with air, but not the blocks that aren't your colored blocks. (Sorry if the spelling is exactly right, english isn't my first language either)
  10. If i understand this correctly, you want to make it look like the torch is emitting colored light. I don'tknow if this works exactly, but the way i will do it, that if you place the torch, it sets a radius of block without collission and a bounding box, that has a colored texture, that is (as you said) 5% opaque, and if you break the torch, you remove all of the blocks.
  11. Your package names have uppercase letters, that does work in eclipse, but not in recompiled minecraft.
  12. I can look over your code if you need to, and i'm a modder that knows about everything, exept, as hydroflame said, entities and terrain gen. EDIT: On what mod are you working on?
  13. You said that i should ask, so here it is: Code?
  14. Cant you just use the getBlockTexture method? In your case you would just do something like this: That would totally copy the blocks texture underneath, to change that, play a little bit with the bottomId.
  15. This isn't the place for that stuff, this is for people writing a mod and need help!
  16. Code?
  17. What tutorial are you using? That method dosn't even exists. And why do you use ModLoader stuff?
  18. Try to copy your source and resource folders to your mcp/src/minecraft, run recompile and than reobfuscate-srg. That should work.
  19. That's what you do on forums, you help people.
  20. You have to download the ic2 universal, and drop it in the mods folder which is located at: mcp/jars/mods. If that doesn't work try adding CodeChickenCore to your mods folder. With CodeChickenCore installed you can load any other mod within eclipse.
  21. Copy it into your workspace.
  22. "Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no lwjgl in java.library.path" Try re-installing java cause it seems like it couldn't find the lwjgl jar in java.library.path.
  23. Are you using a ISBRH or a TESR? If not, you can use the getBlockTexture method, and calculate where the blocks of the same type are, and add a texture based on the neighbour blocks.
  24. TESR= TileEntitySpecialRenderer ISBRH=ISpecialBlockRenderHelper
  25. @diesieben07 that could be, i wasn't sure if it was that excactly, but i knew that it was something like that
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