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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Yes that is an appropriate way to do it. You'll also want to do that with all of your Blocks that have Items.
  2. Uhhh then what is the problem. If you don't register models of course the items look like that.
  3. You never register any models...
  4. Sleep is good. Send a screenshot of your file explorer in eclipse.
  5. Block drops are controlled by loot tables now.
  6. A sources folder is just a folder included in the classpath for your environment.
  7. So it seems it isn't finding your model files. Is your resources folder setup as a source folder in your IDE.
  8. I don't understand how this would cause cross mod incompatibility. You are just adding an entry to the loot table.
  9. It's an event read about them here.
  10. You'll need to set the players velocity to zero every tick. Or find some way to prevent their movement. Then you'll need to change the velocity of the entity in an input event.
  11. Use the PlayerEvent.BreakSpeed event and if the player isn't holding an item set the break speed to 0.
  12. We all use an IDE. Which allows use to look through the source code. If I'm not mistaken a lot of the Minecraft source for 1.14 is still being made readable you know after obfuscation.
  13. Why dont you explain in more detail what you want to do.
  14. ForgeRegistries.BLOCKS.getValue(new ResourceLocation("minecraft", "stone"));
  15. You are gonna need to do 4 when/apply for each bucket type. But it is only parsed once at game load or when resources are reloaded.
  16. You have a malformed url probably in your mods.toml file or in your mcmod.info file. A malformed url can be an empty string,
  17. What did you do to fix it?
  18. You should still be able to apply the rotation just like you would in a normal vanilla blockstate.
  19. You wrote miencraft whereas I wrote minecraft.
  20. Send me a picture of your run configurations.
  21. minecraft
  22. This does not match this.
  23. And you are using eclipse right?
  24. Look at the Blocks class it has all of the Block fields.
  25. The wiki is wrong/outdated.
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