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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Don't do that. You do it exactly the same as you would for a resource pack. Put your sounds in assets.minecraft.sounds.folder.yourfile.ogg
  2. You've provided no such class.
  3. That's ridiculous, that means you are not storing your Items in variables anywhere(I assume).
  4. An extra if statement or two means nothing in the grand scale of an application. Yes that is what happens. If your intent is to replace the default sounds on load, then use your mod as a resource pack. Because it is one.
  5. You'd be wrong. However, most registries prevent modification, the only one I know of that allows removal is the IRecipe registry. Also there used to be a substitution alias system for Items and Blocks, however I knew there where some problems with it. Not sure if they worked the kinks out or just threw it in the trash to be started again. The solution to your problem is simple. Use this /*** * Raised when the SoundManager tries to play a normal sound. * * If you return null from this function it will prevent the sound from being played, * you can return a different entry if you want to change the sound being played. */ public class PlaySoundEvent extends SoundEvent
  6. Why are you comparing the unlocalized names of your Items and not the Items themselves?
  7. I'm not sure what this means.
  8. Then it is a bug and you cant do anything about it. Plus nowadays most normal players aren't going to use /give, they will use jei, creative mode, or a legit method of receiving the item.
  9. Is the method being called? when it is call what are the parameters? What is it returning for said parameters?
  10. Did you check in the debugger about this particular part?
  11. You did not override the equals method so this will not work.
  12. Ok, so we are just dealing with the animation and updating part of the problem. There is a method in the Item class called shouldCauseReequipAnimation. You will have to handle this in an appropriate way to fix your problem.
  13. Explain this a bit more, why would this cause an "error"?
  14. I haven't yet looked at your code to see if there is a problem as I currently dont have time, but I dont know a reason to sync this data to your client in the first place. Unless you plan to use it for an animation. If that is the plan dont sync it every time is changes only every so often.
  15. Post this blockstate, and show your log as well as where you register your ItemBlock models.
  16. I assume that the texture isn't in the right place on the entity, since you are using the vanilla models you will need to make it look like a skin for a player if you have not done this already. If you have please provide a picture of what you mean. Apply a rotation to it then, there is even a method in ModelRendered(bipedHead, etc) called renderWithRotation. And if that doesnt work use a GL rotation call.
  17. It isn't possible because when the game is loaded, the data is the only thing that makes the TE exist there after a reload of the world. So you need to at least have the default read and write anything else doesnt have to go there.
  18. The solution is to make them not null.
  19. You want to change the texture for the player and edit the scale. Ok. Editing the scale is easy enough as you already found out. But you cant bind the texture you want because it is bound in the vanilla code you dont have access to. So you have to cancel the vanilla rendering which you have done and then render the player yourself with your own code, using your texture.
  20. I hope the tutorial didn't tell you to set those fields to null...
  21. Write the code.
  22. You're causing an infinite loop of code by calling event.getRenderer().doRender.
  23. Define not working
  24. Define not working.
  25. You did one of the three things I said.
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