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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You also need a pack.mcmeta file, you can read on the minecraft forums about it, it's really simple.
  2. That gives me a 404 error
  3. This requires a custom packet
  4. It also requires you give a solution.
  5. Dont post your code as a download use github or the forums in post code tag, it looks like this <>
  6. Couple of suggestions to fix this. Lower the mipmap level, turn vSync off, and enable advanced OpenGL. What is the RAM you are running Minecraft with? Are you running the server on your local machine?
  7. You need hasTileEntity(IBlockState) in order for your block to have a TileEntity
  8. Step through your code in the debugger, I am not sure what is happening.
  9. My bad I missed the updated 13 minutes ago between all of the updated 3 hours ago. This line is your problem it should be !world.isRemote
  10. Use an ItemStack capability, there will only ever be one Item instance of all items, however there can/will be multiple ItemStack instances.
  11. I asked if you would put your crash report in a spoiler block. Also push your updated code to github.
  12. Is it the same crash? Post the new crash and please use a spoiler tag it looks like "
  13. Override collisionRayTrace in your block class and call Block#rayTrace until either you have gone through all of your collision boxes or the RayTraceResult has your block.
  14. This line needs to be both on the client and server.
  15. No clue. Why not put it all on github?
  16. I believe you need to run the forge-1.12.2-(numbers)universal.jar
  17. How are you running the server?
  18. Either the server doesn't have the mods or you don't have the mods, are the mods in both mods folders?
  19. It's an improper way of doing things, and it was never the proper way if doing it. The forge devs are hoping to, by using the registry events allow mod loading and unloading during runtime. Define a variety of modders? YouTube tutorials are not really the best because they dont always do it properly.
  20. When you register your renderer you are passed a RenderManager as a parameter so use it. Also dont register things in preInit there are events for registration now. You can read about them on the forge docs.
  21. Do you mean you are running it as a LAN server?
  22. Here is an example, it is at the bottom of the class.
  23. I don't think you need to send a custom packet. You should just override the default sync methods in the TileEntity class. But if this is what you need to do send a packet from the client to the server from onLoad and then send a packet back syncing the TE.
  24. Should be Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask
  25. When you send data to the client you must use Minecraft.getMInecraft().addScheduledTask
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