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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You have to use the Pre event render it yourself and then cancel the actual rendering from happening.
  2. This is why your TE is not appearing, this method needs to have a IBlockState parameter.
  3. Cool code is a thing.
  4. No, I meant in your packages. Do you have a file called ClientProxy in com.cliffhanger13.modOne.proxy package.
  5. This is wrong, this is the 1.13 id. Which changed from 1.12.2 it should instead be { "item": "minecraft:dye", "data": 9 }
  6. You can change the texture you bound it, and it is your texture. Or you could use Gui.drawModalRectWithCustomSizedTexture or Gui.drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect
  7. This method assumes that the texture that is bound is 256x256 in pixels.
  8. Override Entity#processInteract for right clicking Override Entity#updatePassenger for proper positioning.
  9. I dont believe 1.13 is in any way ready to be used or have a pr made for it. You need to use 1.12.2
  10. Huh, I wonder if there is another way this could be done. Let's try looking at what InventoryHelper.dropInventoryItems does. Why not try to replicate it. if inputsAreRecipe if isBurningOrHasFuel() cookTime++ If cookTime >= done output getOutputFromRecipe removeInputs insertItem(output)
  11. Anything below 1.9.2 is unsupported on this forum, update if you wish to receive assistance.
  12. Post your model/blockstate file. It may be caused by one of the optifine settings.
  13. You cannot interact with the Minecraft thread directly, you must use Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask() on the client and ctx.getServerHandler().player.getServerWorld().addScheduledTask()
  14. Cool you changed it, what did you change it to? (github wasn't updated.)
  15. Why on earth are you registering your Items and Blocks twice? And it is caused by your registry name not being assigned the right modid. Can you give us an example of the name that is appearing in your game.
  16. Post your log, preferably in a spoiler.
  17. In your GuiProxy class you are returning an instance of Gui and not container. If there is no container component you can just change the currentScreen variable in Minecraft.getMinecraft() on the client.
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