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Forge Code God
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Everything posted by LexManos

  1. You've got mismatched configs.
  2. You can replace EntityAIs without editing base classes. Breeding is controlled by the EntityAI, see where i'm getting at?
  3. It appears that one of your mods doesn't like its server version, mainly saying that the container is larger then its being set to. What are you opening when you get this crash? Figure that out then go talk to the mod author.
  4. We say dont use MCPatcher because it injects its code into random/wrong places even if you tell it not to. So its just easier to say don't use it then to deal with all the hassle supporting it would be. Same goes for ModLoader, if you install shit wrong you fuck things up, its not needed and should not be used with forge as all modloader functionality is supported in FML. So you should never need to install modloader, at all, ever. As for ModLoaderMP, it is antiquated crap only used by people who don't know anything about coding. It had one job, and it continuously failed to do it properly so it was replaced by FML. And lastly, Bukkit, the Craftbukkit team had made it clear they do not wish to play nicely with Forge so unless things change Forge will not officially be compatible with bukkit.
  5. The fuck are you talking about? Forge inclusing the Meta-inf folder actually REDUCES the issues users have by replacing the files that include the class checksums. In case the end user forgets to delete it. The Meta-inf folder that is included in forge actually makes it no longer nessasary for forge to go into the server jar, just place minecraft_server.jar in the same folder and run the universal download like a jar and you're done. So in summation, shush you're talking out your ass about things you don't understand.
  6. Seems to me that you have something fucked up with your JRE, go speak to the lwjgl people and google you issue. Not us.
  7. http://files.minecraftforge.net/ There are 35 fucking build for 1.4.5 that work flawlessly, if they didn't they wouldn't run past our jenkins build and wouldn't be uploaded. So either you're doing something wrong on your end, or well, something is wrong on your end.
  8. MinecraftForge v6.4.0.397 Initialized The mod Thaumcraft (Thaumcraft) requires mod versions [Forge@[,)] to be available See the issue now? Update forge like it freakin tells you to do -.-
  9. Delete them from your mods folder.
  10. There are many tutorials on how to properly make a launcher. This is not a bug in MC/Forge this is an issue with your launcher. To google you go.
  11. Its caused by you doing things improperly 1) DO NOT install ModLoader 2) Make sure you're using the same version of MC that the Forge you're trying to install is using. This error is typically a MC/Forge version mismatch issue.
  12. [Minecraft] Encountered an unexpected exception NoSuchMethodError java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ModLoader.getMinecraftInstance()Lnet/minecraft/client/Minecraft; at mod_InvTweaks.load(mod_InvTweaks.java:39) Nothing to do with Forge.
  13. Don't edit base classes. We're not gunna support people who edit base classes as that a antiquated shitty method that should never be used.
  14. Its been a pretty standard thing to store the pre-shifted id in the config. Also adding a second function to store a shifted id would just be confusing even more.
  15. Typically this is something caused by a corrupt world. As this hasn't really been brought up before, and you cant reproduce I don't think this is a Forge issue. Probably something went wonky on your server when it was saving the world
  16. For brewing there is no x+y=z like ther eis for crafting. It's 'X flips bits 7 8 2 4 sets bit 1' 'y sets bit 2 xors bits 4-7 swaps bits 12-15' And if the ending result matches a predetermined mask it makes a potion.
  17. Dont trust MagicLaunchers BS, it lies.
  18. You can do this with vanilla functionality. Go find a mod that presents it in a noob friendly way. Forge isn't gunna write a configuration for every recipie -.-
  19. And this is why we hate tekkit users. Banned
  20. You're fucking up and not sending a world to the constrcutor, stop that, not anything to do with us.
  21. You're creating a new BlockSlab without overriding getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata Which how MC does things causes this infinite loop.
  22. All I can say is start by disabeling section of code, specifically ones that to do with loading the classes. See where it screws it up.
  23. Just dont provide it a larger texture sheet.
  24. Liquids are expensive for there textures if the modders dont do it right. And there really isnt anything we can do about it. If you cant handle it, use a lower resolution, or remove the mod that adds so many effects.
  25. protip, it already has been. Search before posting.
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