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Everything posted by kiou.23

  1. the forge mdk already provides a .gitignore that's on the root were you should create yout git repo also, delete the exampleMod package if you're not using it also, please use any for mof proper file structure on your mod files, why the heck are your RegistryObjects under ModEventSubscribers??? that class has literally 0 event subscribers also, don't create an ItemBase, that's an antipattern and is explained why it's bad code practice in the pinned thread on this subforum also, please use proper casing, why do you have a class that's all uppercase and another that's all lowercase?? classes should be PascalCased also, again, there's no need to extend IBrewingRecipe also, you should be using the proper RegistryEvent to register your brewing recipes, not through deferred work in the setup
  2. if I'm not mistaken: you just add two conditions in the json array for conditions, one to check for the tool enchantment, and one to check for a random rol. you can look at the glass loot table to see how to check for the enchantment, and at the grass loot table to see how to drop on a random chance with a given probability
  3. now I don't know how to help you you may want to create a new topic asking for help with that the only thing that comes to mind isthat if you're on intelliJ, check if those are actaully subdirectories and not a single directory with dots in the name (as that is a very common problem that happens when people are modding with intelliJ)
  4. Exception message: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Duplicate registration jade you're registering "jade" twice, I think that should be the only thing wrong oh also, your enum constants should be all uppercased (it won't cause any errors of course, but it's the standard)
  5. please use PascalCase when naming classes also, what are you doing? there's no need to extend the BrewingRecipe, you can just instantiate a new one
  6. your "beryl" Item is not an Item, it's a RegistryObject of an Item, think of it like a box which at the starts is empty, and that after registration your item gets put inside of it. you're passing a RegistryObject to the Ingredient, while it expects an IItemProvider you can call RegistryObject#get to get the item that's inside it but note that if you call it before registration happens, the box is going to be empty and there won't be an item yet
  7. there's no need for this, at least in this case but as a rule of thumb, you should always post your error logs
  8. don't necropost on a thread from 2 year ago and his solution possibly wouldn't work for you since it was for 1.14 just make a new topic and explain your issues further
  9. hm... when I had a similar issue the discord pointed me towards using baked models. but multiparts does seem way simpler, and with datagen I could even do it proceduraly
  10. whenever you find a solution by yourself, you can leave the original question, but add a comment mentioning that you fixed it, and how. so that if anyone comes accross the same problem, they can find your solution and try it without needing to make a new topic. also, I don't see how intellij syncing with github has anything to do with forge
  11. you need to create a new class which implements IBakedModel, overwrite getQuads (the one which takes an IModelData) an make it return the quads for your model, the IModelData shouls contain the info on the list and you set the info on the IModelData by overwriting getModelData in your tile entity. you need to sync the data from, the Server tile entity, to the client, which you can do by overwriting getUpdatePacket (Server sends updated data to the client), and onDataPacket (Client handles an update packet received). then, whenever that data changes you can call World#notifyUpdate, and whenever the client receives an update (so in the end of onDataPacket) you call requestModelUpdate(). for the BakedModel, what I do is: I pass in an existing IBakedModel (that works as a base that I can add quads to) to the constructor, and store it in a field. then I can call IBakedModel#getQuads on the base model, which gives a list of BakedQuads, and add any new quads to it. and you can create your quads by using FaceBakey#bakeQuad, it takes the start and end positions of the quad (in block space, so 0 -> 16), an instance of a BlockPartFace, the sprite you want to use, which you can get from an AtlasTexture, the Direction of that quad, a transform (I just use SimpleModelTransform.IDENTITY), a rotation, which you can just pass null, a boolean that tells wether that face should be shaded or not, and then a throwaway ResourceLocation. and you can decide on all those properties, and on what faces to add, given the IModelData EDIT: oh, and to register it you can do so through the modelRegistry in the ModelBakeEvent (this event is client-side only (I think)) if you need some examples, I used this repo to learn how to use BakedModels: https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample/tree/master/src/main/java/minecraftbyexample/mbe04_block_dynamic_block_models
  12. Blockstates is far from what you want, what you need to do is an IBakedModel
  13. It'd be useful if you could've told the error public static final ConfiguredFeature <?,?> KUNZITE_FEATURE = new ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>((KUNZITE_ORE).withConfiguration(new OreFeatureConfig(OreFeatureConfig.FillerBlockType.NATURAL_STONE, BlockInit.KUNZITE_ORE.get().defaultBlockState(), 6)).range(20).square().func_242731_b(20)); this should throw an error as you call RegistryObject#get before the objects have been registered (i.e.: in static initialization). I'd instantiate the ore features in the common setup event
  14. 1.7.10 isn't supported on the forums. please update to a modern version of minecraft to get support
  15. why can't you use the vanilla durability bar? oh and btw, don't use @OnlyIn, and please post code using the code tool that the forum provides so that we can actually read the code without struggling
  16. what's your gui for? when should it be opened? is it a gui for a tile entity/container? or just a screen? some more context would be nice
  17. I have a block, with a tile entity, the block uses of a BakedModel to render based on some data from the tile entity. I've made a custom BlockItem which gets dropped with the tile data serialized to a nbt tag, and that when placed, deserializes the nbt for the tile entity. The baked model is simple. I have a base model defined in json, and the getQuads simply adds a new cuboid shape inside the base model, representing how much the block is filled (The block is a jar) but the Item renders just the base model (as would be expected). How could I make it render the model from the BakedModel? I've looked into ISTERs, but it doesn't seem that I can get the BakedModel quads from there
  18. hm, I'm thinking you could use of a shader, there may be a simpler way which I'm not aware of; Silhouete and outline are different things, to shade for a silhoute you could render any non-tranparent pixel of the item texture as black (or whatever color you'd want for the silhoute. actually, if you grayscaled the item texture you could tint it to whatever monochrome color you'd want). shaders for outline are a little more complicated, but not much, you can find info on such shaders online again, there maybe be an easier way to do it, but I'm not sure
  19. you should talk to the creator of the mod. it's unlikely people that aren't associated with the project would be aware of how simibubi handles his IP
  20. what's the context? is the item yours or vanilla? where do you want to render it? is it an item stack?
  21. }.getDefaultInstance(); again, learn Java... all of the problems would be solved if you knew what you were doing also @Soft-fur dragon just point this guy towards a java tutorial, this forum is not for Java support, it expects at least, a basic understandment of the language
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