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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Try changing the Material you are using.
  2. One please don't post files as downloads. Instead use the code formatting button, it looks like <>. The problem may be that you do not have all the variants. BlockRail adds more variants that need to be in you blockstate..
  3. Show your blockstate file.
  4. Did you know that an Iron pickaxe can still mine obsidian, but it just can't harvest obsidian. Does your block drop itself when mined by diamond?
  5. Post your logs.
  6. Define render it from my TESR. Why are you rendering it from a TESR?
  7. This line is your problem, you are telling the game that whenever there is a BlockState change. Block Change, etc. To delete your TileEntity. You need to compare the two IBlockStates and tell it when the TE should be removed.
  8. Yes, just do exactly what forge does. Extend the appropriate Event class and then post the event when you need to.
  9. Try use ICapabilitySerializable instead of ICapabilityProvider and use the Capabilities getStorage() function to deserialize and serialize the IItemHandler.
  10. Get the registry, GameRegistry.findRegistry, or ForgeRegistries.BLOCKS. And then call .getValue(ResourceLocation)
  11. Why do you have nei and jei? This isn't a workspace this is a game environment.
  12. Letting the game crash.
  13. Show your code.
  14. Technically yes, but they are ultimately stored as a NonNullList<ItemStack> ?
  15. You were already told, 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this forum.
  16. I don't believe it does since Configuration doesn't have support for Maps, but it does for arrays. So if you wanted to you could use one array and parse Strings numbers.
  17. Use two arrays, one that will hold the registry name of the block and the other that will hold the value.
  18. This cannot happen since ItemStacks cant, rather shouldn't be null. My guess is that it is your capability that is null or, you didn't use a NonNullList to store your ItemStacks.
  19. What does this line print out. Also try printing out the contents of the IItemHandler in the/when created(GuiHandler) Gui and Container.
  20. You should not be dealing with any NBT data at all. You should be sending the data directly to the Capability. And from the capability to the TE.
  21. There is no forge version for 1.13 This even says its for 1.8.9
  22. Show us your code and the whole error report.
  23. This is equivalent to telling a doctor "It hurts."
  24. This is a problem on your side, assuming that your friend is also not experiencing this problem. What are your video settings and system specs.
  25. Well there is the most basic thing, the Java language. Do you know this one.
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