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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. No don't ever trust the client. Instead when the button or whatever action is causing this to occur happens send a packet to the server to perform the logic and change the information there.
  2. You should know how to access this...it's basic Java.
  3. Is the FACING field static? Is it private? Which FACING field are you using?
  4. That's probably because the field doesn't exist in the class you are writing it in...
  5. First make sure the block you are placing has the property you want(FACING). By using IBlockState#getPropertyKeys(). Then you need to get the value from I assume the TileEntity's IBlockState so use getBlockState().getValue inside the IBlockState#withProperty
  6. Animefan8888


    Like this. You should be able to figure out how to fix that on your own.
  7. Animefan8888


    You need to specify the entity that the model works on in your model file. IE SomeEntityModel<SomeEntity>
  8. Animefan8888


    Show your model file.
  9. Try downloading it again/a different version. If the problem still exists then contact the mod author because it's ultimately on them unless you've opened the file and removed the assets.
  10. Neighbor block updates. When a block is placed next to an unloaded chunk it tries to give the block in the unloaded chunk an update causing the chunk to load.
  11. One of your config files or your mods.toml file more likely is malformed/syntactically incorrect.
  12. Yes it is scanning, but it didn't find any files.
  13. I'm gonna be honest, I don't have much experience with Intellij so I'll let someone more experienced tackle the issue from here.
  14. I don't think it has been re-implemented back into forge yet.
  15. You wouldn't. I'm not sure what you mean. You have a packet that goes from server to client right? Then the packet is handled on the client and you can use Minecraft.getInstance().player
  16. Make sure you got the path absolutely correct and that you have refreshed your IDE's packages.
  17. So yes. Use the LivingHurtEvent to change the damage and LivingHealEvent to change the Healing Potion effect.
  18. That's not where I asked you to put it...
  19. Does this get called try putting a println here. Also it's called preInitRegistries why is it in init? Secondly anything to do with rendering can't be done in the main mod class/common code use your ClientProxy.
  20. But you may want to update it with a link specifically to that post. This is that link. https://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/topic/76145-forge-281x-causing-crash-when-killing-zombies/?tab=comments#comment-366371
  21. I think I've figured out the general problem. The event they are using isn't fully implemented into forge. It doesn't seem to be called when the revengeTarget is set therefore it progresses into part of the zombie AI where the attackTarget is set, which then calls the event and sets both the attackTarget and revengeTarget to null, but then later on it is assumed the revengeTarget is not null on line 79 of HurtByTargetGoal (in 28.1.1). So technically it is both a Forge "bug"(until LivingSetAttackTarget is called when the revenge target is set) and a Lycanites Mobs bug, probably built for a pre 28.1.** version of forge where this was not a problem. Feel free to link this to on the issue you've created.
  22. Do you ever call this method? And if you do where?
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