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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. This is a no no you aren't applying the model to the item you registered the item the game knows exists. This is also incorrect. You dont need to do item/ironstick. Just itemstick. You should also not create items or any registry type in a static manner. Instead use the ObjectHolder annotation which you can read about on the forge documentation website. Finally CommonProxy is stupid common code can go anywhere replace it with an interface called IProxy or Proxy if you dont like the I prefix.
  2. If you use InteliJ IDEA you need to run the game via the gradle runs I think. Not experienced with IDEA. You should learn Java and your IDE before making mods. Look it up and make sure it is.
  3. How did you setup your workspace? Is your resources folder setup as a source folder? Are your lang files loading? How are you running the client?
  4. No for the love of all that is modding. Dont do that. Do what was said above use the registry events. My goodness. It isnt that hard.
  5. A better solution would be to do this instead. // Change public static final HealthBox HEALTH_BOX = new HealthBox(); // TO @ObjectHolder("modid:registry_name") public static final Block HEALTH_BOX = null; And keep the new HealthBox in your Registry Event.
  6. Post the debug log or the straight console there should be an error.
  7. Your textures tag isnt needed your model specifies the texture.
  8. This is my time to shine lol. It would make more sense for the result to be a Json Object and also contain the count tag. Why does this class even exist? You can access all the fields in the BlastingRecipe vanilla provides with its getters. That's all I really have to say. But i could also ask why you are using an IFactory to create your BlastingRecipes instead of just calling the constructor, but it seems Vanilla has them too.
  9. If you want it to be for the Blast Furnace you probably need to return the BLASTING type instead of the CRAFTING type.
  10. If you need a bit more direction you need to create a custom packet using the SimpleImpl
  11. You don't need to do this at all. Why would you want to do that in the first place. Make your own serializer and copy the relevant code. The BlastingRecipe constructor is public you can instantiate one. new BlastingRecipe(...)
  12. If this is your end goal. Just create an IRecipeSerializer that outputs a BlastingRecipe and register it. Then using its registry name in a recipe file(json) make the recipe you want iron_ore --> iron_ingotx2. And I think you'll want it to be data.minecraft.recipes.iron_ingot_from_blasting.json
  13. You wouldn't but you would have to fix a lot of things. A lot of names were changed and you have to register all your Item models yourself. I'm not sure if the @Config system is implemented but it probably is. Are you using the most up to date forge version?
  14. What he said ^^^ Well whoever told you to do that was wrong. Imagine a user with a 100+ mods. Where each of those mods adds a decent sum of blocks all looping through the Blocks Registry to create their BlockItems. That's just ridiculous. I asked to see it for spelling errors we all make them.
  15. They are using 1.12.2 How did you setup your workspace.
  16. First off this is just horrible. Create your own set of Blocks to loop through don't use the registry. Not sure which part you're asking about. Show your models.blocks in the screenshot too. And give us the latest log.
  17. How did you setup your environment and can I get a screenshot of your package explorer.
  18. Anything below 1.11.2 is unsupported on this forum.Might even be 1.12.2 at this point.
  19. This should also be there org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx3G Also double check your Java_Home path variable.
  20. Is it called with KeepInventory off? I assume it is only called when the experience points actually drop.
  21. Are you using IntelliJ IDEA?
  22. It's not an IRecipeType you need to register it's an IRecipeSerializer.
  23. Your code is looping. Its infinite recursion. Your getFluidState method calls BlockState#getFluidState which calls your method again.
  24. If I'm not mistaking you also have to call the supers on read and write.
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