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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You'll have to create a Capability that stores whether or not the player has already joined the world. You can read more about capabilities on the docs. And then use the EntityJoinWorldEvent
  2. @xerca The best advice I can give you would be to step through with the debugger.
  3. Not an explicit one. It would first specify the Block I'd "minecraft:dirt" and then it would specify the property name and then the value, both can be represented by strings.
  4. What if that block doesnt have a ForageTable? Also why are you using a Block and not a IBlockState for your key.
  5. Which must never be instantiated into an instance.
  6. 1.7.10 is not supported on these forums any more please update to receive assistance.
  7. I'm not sure what you mean by this. Is anything drawing on your screen? Are you sure your x y positions for the drawing are correct?
  8. Considering the changes between 1.12 and 1.13 were big I would assume that what the developers are doing is re-writing for 1.13.0 and then before the release will switch to 1.13.1 fix all the minor changes there and then release. Though it might not be 1.13.1 but 1.13.2 or whatever the most recent release is at the time.
  9. Subscribe to the RenderPlayerEvent.Pre cancel it and render your own model.
  10. Anything below 1.9 is not supported on this forum any more. Update to receive assistance. Soon 1.9 won't be supported either so you should update to 1.12.2
  11. @InternalCow You never register an instance of LunariumHelmet
  12. Sorry I was off a line. It seems like your lunarium_helmet is null. Are you sure you registered an instance that has that registry name.
  13. Of course it does the error is saying that your lunarium_sword field is null. Are you actually registering an instance of LunariumSword?
  14. I believe if you are using @ObjectHolder the fields need to be public static final and equal to null. And the string passed into the annotations needs to match the registry name of the object. Also it seems that it is erroring on your Lunarium Sword because the field is null.
  15. What are you trying to do, not how you want to do it?
  16. Try updating your iron chest mod, and then your forge download. To the most recent version.
  17. The list there, doesn't contain any of the mobs and that was the authors problem. If you know where things such as EntityZombie or EntitySkeleton gain these values that is more of what they where looking for.
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