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Everything posted by Ugdhar

  1. Post the new debug.log, or at the very least crashlog
  2. What version is this for? What happens when you try? Please post the debug.log, preferably on an external site like a github gist, and link to it here.
  3. Have you done any research or worked on this at all yourself since your last posting? If you have, it would better promote your issue to share your findings/progress. I think people would be more attracted to your issue if they felt you were actively pursuing it!
  4. Found some potentially useful example code in this repo: https://github.com/Tropicraft/Tropicraft/tree/1.15 (thanks tterrag, heard you mention Tropicraft and its worldgen while watching the FAP recording) Sad thing, been tinkering with all this stuff for the past few weeks/month whatever, and there's theoretically going to be a bunch of changes to worldgen in 1.16, soooo....yup. It'll be back to the drawing board once forge releases start coming out for that! More than likely I will start a new thread for that discussion with the new version/features/way of doing things/whatever. But, until then, or even after then (if 1.15.2 keeps support, which I imagine it will), feel free to pop in here with any tidbits of info or advice related to this stuff!!
  5. If you know Java, look in the minecraft code at net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.ItemStackTileEntityRenderer for how vanilla does it. If you do not know Java, then you need to learn some before you can write a mod, or you will have a Bad Time.
  6. These mods are known to be very hacky. If you remove them and try it, does it still crash? If so, please post the new debug.log. If not, you know what the problem is!
  7. Really old versions aren't supported anymore. They should still be usable, but no supported is provided for them. In order to receive support, you need to be using a modern version, currently 1.14+ The LTS link at the top of every page has more information on supported versions.
  8. What version is this for? How did you install the server? How are you launching the jar? Does anything happen?
  9. But your logs says:
  10. Where did you download your mods from? Some of the filenames suggest you downloaded them from 9 minecraft, or some other rehosting site, that illegally redistributes mods, and often times have incorrectly labeled versions, or even modified/tampered with files. You should only ever download forge from https://files.minecraftforge.net/ and only ever download mods from https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods See https://stopmodreposts.org/ for more information on what sites to avoid. Also, it looks like you may have fabric mods installed, which will not work with Forge.
  11. You should post your entire debug.log, and not cherry pick it as there can be things in there that could be related that you are omitting without realizing it. Also your textures/blocks folder should be named block instead of blocks (I believe this was one of the 1.13 rewrite changes). That could be why you were getting a missing texture at on point like you mentioned. *edit: and in your blockstate, you need to specify at least 1 state for the block, if there's no variants use empty "", and it must specify a model for that state, and you have empty curly braces. The vanilla blockstates, if you wish to reference them, are in the client-extras jar in your IDEs referenced libraries.
  12. I am not completely sure to be honest, I've always kept my installations separate to avoid potential world corruption, so that wasn't a feature I myself used, sorry!
  13. This feature was removed as the launcher installations are the preferred method of separating mods for different versions.
  14. Are the folders those packages represent separated by slashes and not dots? Just want to make sure, I've seen them be made using the dots in the folder names, which breaks stuff. i.e the folder should be assets/ringsandthings, not assets.ringsandthings
  15. According to https://gist.github.com/williewillus/353c872bcf1a6ace9921189f6100d09a
  16. It says it cant find this file. Double check folder/package names and that the file exists. use . instead of : i.e. item.modid.itemid
  17. Your textures are in the wrong package/folder according to your screenshot. They should be in textures.item not textures.items, they were changed with 1.13 (I think it was) to match up with the same package structure as the models.
  18. protected int energy; protected int capacity; protected int maxReceive; protected int maxExtract; Also in case you weren't aware, Items are singletons, so any fields you set in your Item classes are shared among all instances of that Item across the game world.
  19. No prob, had the same problem myself while tinkering. Figures I've been tinkering with dimensions and worldgen, I believe a lot is going to change with it with 1.16! So relearning it'll be! lol
  20. YourDimensionClass#getFogColor cannot return null
  21. Then I guess post the new crashlog, that's weird there's no debug.log.
  22. I don't think BoatEntity#getBoatType() will work for modded boats, as the BoatEntity.Type enum is coded with the vanilla boat materials, and doesnot appear extensible.
  23. Post the new debug.log without optifine
  24. BoatEntity#getItemBoat() And I'd poke around the recipe system maybe, I'm sure there's a way to get the ingredients/recipe for an item.
  25. Check your debug.log, it will probably have an error in there somewhere about it, as it looks like the missing texture colors
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