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Everything posted by Ugdhar

  1. Just tried what? And what didn't work? Did you set a breakpoint to see if you reach the event?
  2. Please post the debug.log as described in the EAQ, it will give more details on what's happening.
  3. I don't think you can handle stuff like blocks breaking on the client, probably only on the server.
  4. Make sure you delete any mods you downloaded from there, and redownload from a good site such as curseforge.com. The link diesieben07 shared will give you a list of ones to avoid, I think they even have a browser extension that will warn you if you accidentally go to one. You never know what could be hidden in those .jar files downloaded from sketchy places!!!!
  5. Removed the extraneous structure block, but it doesn't seem to have helped at all. I implemented the place method in my structure class, just taking it from the parent instead of calling super so I could break down some of what it was doing, and as far as I can tell, it seems to never make it to actually generating pieces due to this returning an empty set: LongSet structRefs = chnk.getStructureReferences(this.getStructureName()); Unfortunately I can't figure out why, or where the value(s) are supposed to come from, aside from it being related to chunk position somehow. Hopefully there's enough info here that someone that knows can tell me where I went wrong/what to research, or someone with a bit more experience/knowledge with the internals could figure it out if they were bored
  6. Try removing Optifine. Where did you get your Optifine, anyway? I don't even see that version on their download page. Make sure you read the changelog for any version of Optifine you download, it will specify which version, if any, of forge that it works with.
  7. I combed through the debug.log, and I don't get any errors or anything, it all looks fine. https://gist.github.com/Ugdhar/be8b7180b72989bbe7934d69cbf2b92d Ah yes, I was playing with structure blocks (first time) and it said something about corners, so I was messing with that, but ended up only using the one block I think, but likely forgot to remove the other one. I'll fix that and update, and see if it helps. OMG if that's EVEN what is making this all not work. . .lol. I appreciate the help, thanks for taking time to glance at my stuff! I read your posts and try to keep in mind the advice you give people on how to do things I feel like I remember things like DeferredWorkQueue and doing things in appropriate registry events/DeferredRegister most of the time, thanks in part to reading your replies to others!
  8. You must not have checked out my github repo: public void commonSetup(FMLCommonSetupEvent args) { DeferredWorkQueue.runLater(() -> { Iterator<Biome> biomes = ForgeRegistries.BIOMES.iterator(); biomes.forEachRemaining((biome) -> { biome.addStructure(BRICK_HOUSE.withConfiguration(IFeatureConfig.NO_FEATURE_CONFIG)); biome.addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.SURFACE_STRUCTURES, BRICK_HOUSE.withConfiguration(IFeatureConfig.NO_FEATURE_CONFIG).withPlacement(Placement.NOPE.configure(IPlacementConfig.NO_PLACEMENT_CONFIG))); }); }); }
  9. Awesome, thank you, I was definitely missing that. Looking back it looks like that's done within the vanilla biome constructors, but I figured FMLCommonSetup would be a good place for it. This definitely made a difference, as now my /locate command returns some coordinates for me. Problem now however is when I go to said coordinates, there is no structure to be found, dig down to 0 or fly up to 255, and I find nothing in the area. Setting some breakpoints and debugging is showing me the place method is returning false, and stepping into it I get here in the place method within the Structure class: for(Long olong : worldIn.getChunk(i, j).getStructureReferences(this.getStructureName())) { but evidently this returns nothing, so the code in that for block is never run. I tried stepping into it, but it hits so many places I have no idea what it's really even supposed to be doing exactly, and I can't see where anything is missing, my structure name and stuff seems to come up when I inspect variables. I've updated my repo with the changes if you (or anyone!) feel inclined to check it out. Thanks again Ash for the addStructure, can't believe I missed that lol.
  10. So, I built a little house and saved it with a structure block, and I've been trying to get it to spawn in the world as a structure. I used the igloo as something to follow, and searched around on here and on google, and managed to get something that seems like it should be right, there's no errors, seems like my structure is registered properly, when I type /locate it shows as an option, but it always says "Could not find that structure nearby", and I never see it anywhere no matter how far I travel. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, and I honestly do not completely understand the system(s) being used to generate the structure, I just tried to dissect the igloo as much as I could and dumb it down to a simple house thing. If there are any explanations on how the structure/template system works out there, I'd love links If you'd like to take a look, here's the github link: https://github.com/Ugdhar/structest ***edit: I'm going to leave this public github repo as long as it exists/is free, for anyone else that needs an example or has issues. It's pretty basic, and I'm sure there's a million ways it can be configured/improved, but it works on a basic level, so is a good start. Thanks!
  11. 1.12 is no longer supported due to age. Please update to a modern (1.14.4/1.15.2) version to receive support. More information on supported versions can be found in the LTS link at the top of every page.
  12. What launcher are you using? I've never seen a log start like that. Are you sure that is the debug.log from %APPDATA%\.minecraft\logs ?
  13. So definitely first, I would update your forge and mappings to the latest. Makes development much easier. And you dimension is empty most likely because your chunk generator (class responsible for generating chunks/building the shape of the world) is empty. McJty has a dimension tutorial that has a simple chunk generator implemented you could take a look at: https://wiki.mcjty.eu/modding/index.php?title=Tut14_Ep12
  14. please show the output of java -version from the commandline
  15. https://cadiboo.github.io/tutorials/ https://wiki.mcjty.eu/modding/index.php?title=YouTube-1.14 Hopefully you know Java.
  16. Use the logger instead of sysout, and I bet you'll see one of them is the server thread, and one the render (client) thread
  17. That github link doesn't work, you have no public repositories.
  18. That log looks like it ends prematurely *edit: also, are you sure that this code is only running on the client? Minecraft is a client-only class I do believe. I would set breakpoints and walk through the code to see what is happening.
  19. For Eclipse: Make a github accout. Create an empty repository on github for your mod. It will give you the address to use as the remote. In Eclipse, right-click on your project, select Team, choose Share Project. on the Share Project screen, check Use or create repository in parent folder of project Click Create Repository Click Finish Right click your project again, choose Team, then Commit. It will open the Git Staging window at the bottom. add all the files with the green ++ button, which moves them to the bottom window. Click Commit and Push. In this screen, fill in the URI with the address for your repo from github. You can either fill in the username/pw info and save it, or make it prompt you every time, up to you. After this, you should see your project on github. When you edit/change files, use the git staging window to Commit your changes, and Push when you want to send it to github (you don't have to push every time you change, just when you want to publish it). Do some reading up on git, it's really useful. Branches are great.
  20. I am betting you scrolled down, and are looking at the 1.5.2 version I've been seeing a lot of people mistaking 1.5.2 with 1.15.2 lately.
  21. Looks like you have optifine for 1.14 in there. Make sure if you go looking for a 1.15 version that you read the changelog, it will tell you what version of forge to use, IF it is compatible with forge.
  22. So, first, screenshots are a terrible way to share anything, except for your package layout. It also looks like you are using an unsupported version. What version are you modding for? See the LTS link at the top of every page for information on supported versions.
  23. I don't think so, debug.log from my experience always starts like this: It should be in %APPDATA%\.minecraft\logs if you are on Windows
  24. I'm pretty sure JAVA_HOME is a JDK env variable, and not used by the JRE. It is likely searching your path for the path to the JRE, or I've also seen a program that sets the default java if multiple are on the system, but as I only use 8, I don't have details on it. *edit: I would say I must be wrong, did a quick google and this was right at the top, from an Oracle website:
  25. Post you debug.log please, it should give details on what is going on
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