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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Yeah college and other more important stuff started taking all of my time, now it's time to learn all this new forge code base. ?
  2. Instead of using new ConfiguredFeature<... Use Biome.createDecoratedFeature It gives you more control. In this specific case allows you to control where the ore/block generates.
  3. Provide which item you are working with you gave us no direction to the actual file(s) we are working with.How did you use EntityPlayer$getCooledAttackStrength?
  4. I'm not sure if you have solved this or not, but you need to create more than one instance of the item. Subitems are not standard anymore, and will probably be removed from existence. I assume the only reason something like subitems in creative tabs still exists is probably because what if you want to show two same energy items with different durability(energy values).
  5. Take a look at that items texture along with the .mcmeta file with the same name as the image. Or look at Minecraft's water/lava texture and their .mcmeta file.
  6. A world capability is just a wrapper around a WorldSavedData anyways.
  7. To use that method you need to implement ITickable.
  8. You never use Which you first need to initialize a lot like you do your nbt variable.
  9. You're probably pretty much on your own for this. You've been presented with to options, the BufferBuilder route which may lead to an abrupt dead end or using Voidwaikers approach which may lead to more promising results.
  10. Ok. This is your problem, its not a problem with it being about mods. It is a problem with those methods not existing, they have different names now.
  11. Then you should be able to solve the errors you have. They are errors in method signatures.
  12. Learn that first, modding is incredibly difficult if you don't.
  13. Do you know the basics of Java?
  14. If it is disabled remove any recipes from it after they have been added via whatever condition you want, and do the same for removing it from a creative tab.
  15. They don't all TE's are ticked at the same time from the world being ticked. Generate a random number and determine if the update method is called from that?
  16. Yes, don't do that.
  17. No, Minecraft is really weird about what it uses deprecation for. When they use it for blocks it means don't call it.
  18. Use your IDE to find the correct parameters Block#isOpaqueCube exists in 1.12 and it has an IBlockState parameter.
  19. What version are you modding for?
  20. Did you ever register a block with that name? If so create a new world. Ids are serialized so they can be persistent with the assigned numerical id.
  21. Create a blockstate file for it. And then probably textures.
  22. Why not item.getRegistryName()? Is this where the file is located look at it character by character. You've got a pack.mcmeta file probably set to 3. This means your lang files must be all lowercase aka en_us.lang.
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