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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. I believe the pictures are saying the opposite.
  2. I'm not sure I understand your problem. Do you want the bounding box to rotate with the model. Or the model isn't rotating?
  3. Maybe they are not using ChatType.CHAT for the messages as they have a custom chat plugin?
  4. That is not enough, read the documentation on capabilities here.
  5. Did you attach your capability correctly?
  6. I java there are fields, methods, classes/interfaces. What is the one that can return a boolean. you have the words correct isEmpty, but it isn't a field.
  7. This is the important part, it isn't a field. What else can return a boolean.
  8. What does your IDE say when you hover over the red line? Have you strictly compared this to your previous code.
  9. Learn java before making a mod.
  10. You will have to iterate through the items in the players inventory. EntityPlayer#inventory
  11. Please do not necro a thread. Make your own thread.
  12. No, this is too advanced and specific for there to be a tutorial on it. This can be done in RenderWorldLastEvent, you must check if the Block is your block/the position of the structure. And if it has a TE that determines if it should be rendered you will need to sync that.
  13. Show what you tried.
  14. That is what it looks like to me. Edit: Or Wizardry is assuming that one of its blocks is there, because it expected it to be there. And for some reason it isn't. @EBZK My recommendation to fix this is to open it in mcedit and try to find the specific position that is causing the problem and delete it, worst case scenario you will have to remove one or both of the mods.
  15. Decide on a modid I recommend thornecraft-potions as the modid, or thcpotions or some variant. Then your unlocalized name should be equal to your items getRegistryName().toString(). While your registry name should be just the name of your item. It will be appended by your modid automatically if you have done everything right with your Item creation. Yes you can, you will probably have to set up your environment a little differently. What I do is make a folder and this is where all of my mods code will be and then create a new project in eclipse in that folder and import the forge project. This way each of your mods will have their own java project and the forge project will be un-edited. There is two more steps to this process however. After importing the forge project into the workspace you need to configure its build path so that it exports all of its libraries etc. And then you need to configure your projects build path and add the forge project to it. If this wasn't clear enough please ask specific questions.
  16. I don't believe you will have to worry about when it is rebuilt, but I can't quite tell you how it works as I have not even looked at this. Though I believe you will just need to handle the building aspect of the rendering. The "one thing" that is passed to the GPU is just all of the vertex data, texture ids, texture uv mappings, etc. But it is done in mass to reduce the amount of times it has to do this.
  17. To be honest with you, ASM might be easier, but I believe that it can be done with reflection. The world renderers(BufferBuilder instances) are stored in an instance of RegionRenderCacheBuilder within an array that is mapped to BlockRenderLayer(its an enum). Which are then stored in ChunkRenderWorker and ChunkCompileTaskGenerator. The former is stored in ChunkRenderDispatcher, and I believe this is where it is mainly stored. Not sure where you can/should access these with reflection. The instance of ChunkRenderDispatcher is stored in RenderGlobal, which has a public instance in the Minecraft class.
  18. That is what is supposed to happen. Did you get prompted to enter debug mode? Did you say yes?
  19. You are requesting a slot that doesn't exist, find out why it doesn't exist. My best guess is that it has to do with these two lines.
  20. Nope, I doubt there is one. If you go into your .minecraft directory. Go into the versions folder. Open your versions jar. navigate to assets.minecraft.models within the jar file. I recommend winrar to open the jar file if you don't have one already.
  21. assets/minecraft/models/block assets/minecraft/model/item
  22. Using one is quite obviously the easy way of doing this, however just look at the model JSONs in the minecraft jar. It's relatively simple.
  23. Then why not player.inventory.getStackInSlot(player.inventory.currentItem).getItem() == GundamItems.item Or even better player.getActiveItemStack().getItem() == GundamItems.item
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