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Everything posted by Ugdhar

  1. BoatEntity#getItemBoat() And I'd poke around the recipe system maybe, I'm sure there's a way to get the ingredients/recipe for an item.
  2. Check your debug.log, it will probably have an error in there somewhere about it, as it looks like the missing texture colors
  3. Look closer at the registry event code, you've got 2 lines of code from my example smashed together into 1 line of code. Mine: @SubscribeEvent public static void registerFeatures(RegistryEvent.Register<Feature<?>> args) { StrucTest.BRICK_HOUSE_PIECE = Registry.register(Registry.STRUCTURE_PIECE, StrucTest.HOUSE_LOC, BrickHousePiece.Piece::new); args.getRegistry().register(new BrickHouse(NoFeatureConfig::deserialize).setRegistryName(StrucTest.HOUSE_LOC)); } Yours: public static void registerFeatures(RegistryEvent.Register<Feature<?>> args) { ModStructurePieceTypes.TOWER_PIECE = Registry.register(Registry.STRUCTURE_PIECE, ModStructurePieceTypes.TOWER_LOC, TowerPiece.Piece::new, args.getRegistry().register(new Tower(NoFeatureConfig::deserialize) .setRegistryName(ModStructurePieceTypes.TOWER_LOC))); } Also please post your debug.log (pref. as a github gist), it will provide more info than summarized error messages
  4. Look at vanilla water or lava, and use net.minecraftforge.fluids.ForgeFlowingFluid Give it a try, if it doesn't work, post links to code and debug.log (or if you have it from your previous failed attempt, post that)
  5. What version is this for? And you should post debug.log from both the client and server
  6. You want to use the FMLClientSetupEvent and use RenderTypeLookup.setRenderLayer on your block with the RenderType you want. First mistakenly thought someone was saying those links weren't working, but I think it was more of a hint to use the forums search, as this question has been asked a million times already
  7. Then you are probably not in the same folder/directory as the installer when you are running the command. the command dir will show files in your current location, make sure the forge installer is there.
  8. Well, by my guess, having all 2s will make it accelerate in all 3 directions at once (X/Y/Z) in the same direction every time, and not in the direction you are looking. Again, I haven't tried doing any of this myself as of yet, so this is just a guess. You should take a look at the ghast entity maybe, and see how it launches the fireball. Just instead of in the direction of the player, have your code use the direction the player is looking.
  9. Well, I have yet to mess with entities myself to be completely honest, I've only tinkered with a couple mobs so far. I guess starting at the Wand part, where you have the item right click, what are those 2s for in the SpellBoltEntity constructor? To begin with I'd start looking into that.
  10. So is it throwing an error or crashing or something? You didn't share logs or explain what's going on
  11. Never just say "it's not working" Be descriptive what is not working, and also provide your debug.log, preferably posted on an external site (like a github gist) and then linked to here. There could very well be a clue in the log as to what is going on. *edit: also, having your code in a github repository is super helpful. If you are not familiar with it, google "getting started with github" or something similar, and figure it out, you will thank me I promise
  12. The simple answer is to override getNoiseBiome in your BiomeProvider class, and return the biome to be generated at the x/(y?)/z chunk coordinates provided. If you look at the vanilla OverworldBiomeProvider, it uses a Layer class to determine which biome this is, which is built in the LayerUtil class. Unfortunately, there is very little documentation, and no tutorials for any of this (at least that I've seen googling and such), so you're more or less on your own figuring out how it works. I started a thread for discussion about pretty much this same subject here, if you'd like to check it out: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/86253-1152-layerutil-layers-traits I've been tinkering here and there, trying to figure out how it works, and eventually if I end up with any sharable code, I'll likely post a link to it in that thread. Slow going, there's a lot of math going on in there that I haven't figured out the purpose of yet, and magic numbers littered all over the place.
  13. So what happened? Details! The more details you provide, the better the chance you will receive a useful response. "It doesn't work" doesn't tell anything about the problem whatsoever! You should always, *always* post your debug.log (preferably to an external site, such as a github gist, and link back here), as well as show your code (again, github is the *best* way to share your code, as a buildable repository. It's worth spending an hour googling git/github and how to use it, it will make a world of difference for you) And if you don't feel confident with your Java skills, you should definitely do some java tutorials/practice. I would say at least a low intermediate level of skill with Java is *required* for modding, unless you wish to have a Bad Time waiting forever for answers, and being told that you need to learn Java. If you already do, then great! And if not, I'm not trying to be mean or discouraging, but it would be like trying to read a book, without knowing how to read. There's an order to these things that kinda need to be followed.
  14. You should be able to just use YourEntityRenderer::new for the render factory, I believe it will work just fine as long as you have a constructor for the renderer that takes an EntityRendererManager as a parameter.
  15. It is likely a broken json of some sort, you should post/check the debug.log (to an external site if it is too large and link back here) I believe it will have more information than the crashlog.
  16. You want a global loot modifier, some example code here https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.15.x/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/gameplay/loot/GlobalLootModifiersTest.java it also involves some json files, there's a little writeup here: https://dragoness-e.dreamwidth.org/136561.html
  17. Track that NPE down I'd say, based on the partial logs you've shown, figure out what's null and why, and fix it if it shouldn't be
  18. When that happens, *always* post your debug.log, just saying it crashes doesn't really tell anyone anything
  19. Please start a new thread for your issue instead of posting in a nearly year old one, you'll get a better response Also, include a description of what you are trying to do (from the gameplay standpoint; not HOW you want to do it), what you have tried (code is good, a github repo link is best), and logs (debug.log posted as a github gist is best) Doing these things will ensure you get the best possible response. An incomplete post is an invitation to just have it skipped over!! ?
  20. So looking through the LayerUtil class, and accompanying Layer classes, I've realized a some things. There are a TON of hardcoded biome references in here, so biomes are not always chosen "at random". If you look through these Layer files (IslandLayer, AddIslandLayer, etc) and you see methods returning magic numbers less than 5, changes are decent that they represent one of the "main" biomes (Ocean, Plains, Desert, Mountain, Forest). Biome "borders" look like they are mostly managed in the EdgeLayer, EdgeBiomeLayer, and HillsLayer. They appear as if they decide what biomes will be able to be added to the edge of existing biomes. The main BiomeLayer appears to be built in IForgeWorldType#getBiomeLayer Most of these apply methods used in here that come from the trait classes (i.e. IBishopTransformer, ICastleTransformer) return a value that represents a biome ID number. Hopefully this information will be helpful to someone, or at least interesting. Feel free to chime in with any additional information related to this!
  21. As of right now, the options are simply 1.14.4 or 1.15.2 if you wish to receive support. The latest is pretty much always the recommended version to use, but you can try either and see which one suits you. That being said, you are free to use any version you wish, as long as you will not require support from the forge forums/discord.
  22. Please Post the eula.txt
  23. I would guess you are starting a vanilla server and not a modded one. Post the full server log, also, how are you starting the server?
  24. Looks like a broken config, try deleting your config folder if you haven't made any changes
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