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Everything posted by Ugdhar

  1. Forge does not support Java 16, at least not until 1.17 comes out. Best to use 8 since that's what Mojang ships.
  2. More information is needed. If this is for a version lower than 1.15, it is no longer supported. If it is 1.15 or higher, please post your debug.log from the server and the client, and that should give people something to start with to figure out what's up.
  3. Old versions of forge are no longer supported, you will need to update to receive support. There banner at the top of most pages on these forums tell which versions are supported.
  4. Please post your latest log from attempting to launch the game, it should tell us what's going on.
  5. Please post your server log, it should give a clue what's going on.
  6. It looks like you may be trying to reply to someone's support post, you instead you created a new one.
  7. Not based on those filenames you aren't. For instance, the "VanillaFoodPantry-Mod-1.16.5.jar" is not named that on Curseforge, it is named vanillafoodpantry-mc1.16.5-6.0b5.jar So, wherever you got some of those mods from, good luck!
  8. It also looks like you are downloading some mods from sketchy websites. (Pretty much any mod that has -Mod in the name is (usually) from one of these sketchy sites.) You should only download mods from Curseforge, or directly from the developer, because these crappy sites will rename files to give them wrong versions, wrong MC versions, and who knows what other crap they stuff in there that could be harmful to your computer. Not to mention they are redistributing work that is not theirs without permission. See https://stopmodreposts.org/ for more information on bad sites, and why they are bad. Then, delete any mods you got from sketchy places, and re-download from Curseforge.
  9. Well, the error says you're running out of memory, and it would seem you're pretty much giving it all you got, so I would try removing some mods and trying again. "It worked before" doesn't really matter, either the game is taking more memory than before (updates/more mods/etc), or your system has less ram available (more programs running, programs in the background, memory leaks, etc).
  10. I'm not sure what to tell you then, the crash you posted clearly says there is not enough memory. When does the crash happen? When loading a saved world, or before you even get to the main menu screen? If it's when loading a save, does it still do that if you create a new world?
  11. You need to make this bigger. If it doesn't work, then you don't have enough RAM in your computer to run what you are trying to run, and will probably have to remove some mods and try again. How much RAM is in your computer?
  12. Memory means RAM. Data is what is stored in memory. It can also be stored on disk (meaning not memory).
  13. You ran out of memory. Try giving the game more memory, or reducing the number of mods you're trying to run.
  14. Try using Java 15 or lower, I don't believe forge will work with Java 16 until after 1.17 comes out.
  15. Make sure you have java installed, and if you do, run jarfix (google for it) once to reassociate jar files with java.
  16. Did you run the installer? Are you using the latest mojang launcher? Was it closed when you ran the installer? More information please.
  17. Try a Java version lower than 16
  18. https://wiki.mcjty.eu/modding/index.php?title=YouTube-Tutorials I have no idea how good the video tutorials are, I can't stand the things myself, and stick to text only, but all reports say McJty is the way to go if you don't want to be taught how to do stuff wrong. Also, search the forums/use google, I've had lots of luck doing that when I wanted to figure out how to do stuff. Odds are, if you're asking it, someone else has probably asked it before you, and the answer is just buried in here somewhere. The pace at which the Minecraft code changes, which in turn forces forge to change, makes it tough for tutorials to be current, and they tend to get out of date somewhat quickly. Search a lot, try stuff, look at other mods code (tons of them are on github, just search on there too!), poke around in the vanilla MC code, and when the stuff you're trying doesn't work, post code (or much much better, a link to a working github repo of your code) and a description of what you're trying to do (from the player in-game standpoint, not what you want your code to do), and people tend to be pretty helpful (provided you indeed know basic/intermediate Java)
  19. Try using a Java version lower than 16
  20. Post the full log (pref as a githup gist or something and link back to it here) please
  21. Works for me. What's do you mean by "don't seem to be getting the correct file"?
  22. And if you get rid of the Optifine and optiforge hacks does it still crash?
  23. My guess would be just enough resources. If you remove that, does it still crash?
  24. I would honestly delete that entire repo and recreate it correctly, that privacy issue is still there for anyone that wants to find it. Just trying to help keep ya safe buddy!
  25. @joelstoner I sent you an important PM. Hopefully you get it.
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