Just double checked, its working fine in the latest version.
Please tell me you're not using System.out.println(ModularForceFieldSystem.proxy.isClient()); to determine if its client or server...
We dont remove anything from the jar.
If we modify the same classes, then SPC should just move out of the jar. Im pretty sure most things it wants to do can be done with forge without editing the jar at all.
So you propose we add support for a single EntityFX.. Look at what your code is doing....
But, either way, if you want your custom particles, just spawn then directly, dont go through RenderGlobal.
I can do digging and breaking, but sprinting is a bit odd, it isnt actually tied down to the actual tile location without a lot of hackary, we cant get the location of the tile.
You get a error message saying that it cant find something
and that what you're doing require that thing
and yet you still come here
and ask if you fucking have to get it...
This kids, is why I am such a dick -.-
Because the old format wasn't a standard format for logging, typically, when you log something you want to have the time it happened. FML introduces more robust logging for trying to find out what went wrong when things do go wrong. Having time stamps is really useful.